Sweet Toast Toppers


Íme, a sós ízek után néhány különleges, édes, piritós feltét - hogy egy kicsit feldobjuk a reggelit, uzsonnát vagy vacsorát.

1. Gypsy Toast with Rosy Fruits

(Serves 2) Heat 100g frozen summer fruits in a pan until warmed trough, add caster sugar to taste. Meanwhile, whisk 1 medium egg with 2 tbsp. double cream. Heat a knob of butter in a frying pan. Dip slices of bread in the egg mix. Fry for a few minutes, turn them until browned. Top with the fruits and a few small mint leaves. Try this on toasted Scotch pancakes.

2. Nutty Chocolate Mallow

(Serves 4) Spread 4 slices of lightly toasted bread with chocolate hazelnut spread, sprinkle with mini marshmallows and 1 tbsp. finely chopped toasted hazelnuts. Put back under the grill to toast the mallows. Watch them, in case the burn! Try this on toasted muffins.

3. Ginger, Ricotta, and Fig

(Serves 2) Finely chop 1-2 whole preserved stems of ginger and mix with tbsp. ricotta cheese. Spread on toast and then arrange 1-2 fresh figs, sliced, on top. Drizzle with ginger syrup or honey. Try this on toasted whole meal bread.

4. Dolce Blush

(Serves 2-3) Mix the grated zest of 1 large orange with 100g mascarpone cheese. Spread on toast. Arrange orange segments on top. Mix 1 tbsp. marmalade with a little of the orange juice, warm in the microwave for a few seconds and then spoon over the orange segments to glaze them. Try this on toasted fruit tea loaf.

5. Peanut Butter and Jelly

(Serves 2) Toast 2 slices of bread, spread each with 1 good tbsp. crunchy peanut butter and top with slices from 1 small banana. Drizzle with 1-2 tsp redcurrant jelly, warmed. Try this on toasted waffles or teacakes.

6. Caramelised Spicy Apple

(Serves 2) Slice 1 red skinned apple across the core. Remove the pips. Melt a good knob of butter in a frying pan, fry the apple slices until caramelised. Arrange them on the toasted, buttered bread, spoon juices over, sprinkle with a little demerara sugar. Add a dollop of crème fraiche, or yogurt, and dust with cinnamon. Try this on toasted fruity soda bread.


to whisk

[tə wɪsk]


to dip

[tə dɪp]


chocolate hazelnut spread

[ˈtʃɒklət ˈheɪzlnʌt spred]

csokis mogyorókrém










to glaze

[tə ɡleɪz]




darabos, ropogós




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