makes: about 24
preparation: 45 mins
resting: 30 mins
chilling: 30 mins
cooking: 1 hour
These delicious deep-fried pastries are a treat.
Ingredients for the pastry:
– 375ml fullcream milk
– 125ml chicken stock
– 30ml butter
– 500ml cake flour
for the filling:
– 15ml olive oil
– 1 onion, finely chopped
– 1 garlic clove, grated
– 5ml smoked paprika
– pinch of nutmeg
– 150g ham, diced or finely chopped
– 250ml grated cheddar or Gouda cheese
– handful fresh parsley, chopped
– freshly ground pepper
to finish:
– flour, for dusting
– water, for brushing
– 2 eggs
– 30ml milk
– 250ml breadcrumbs
– oil, for deep-frying
- Keep a sheet of clingfilm and a 10cm-round cookie cutter at hand.
- Pastry: In a saucepan, heat the milk, stock and butter until the mixture starts to simmer.
- Add the flour and stir with a wooden spoon until a stiff dough begins to form. Remove from the heat and turn the dough out on a clean working surface.
- Allow to cool for a minute or two, then knead the dough for a few minutes until smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball, cover in clingfilm and allow to rest for 30 minutes.
- Filling Heat the oil in a pan and fry the onion until soft. Add the garlic and stirfry until fragrant. Remove from the pan and allow to cool completely.
- Combine the onion mixture with the paprika (if using), nutmeg, ham, cheese and parsley. Season with pepper.
- To finish: On a flour-strewn surface, roll out the dough to a thickness of about 5mm. Use the cookie cutter to cut out circles.
- Put a dough circle in the palm of your hand, spoon a little of the filling into the middle and lightly brush the edges with water. Fold the circle in half (to resemble a halfmoon) and pinch the edges to seal well. Repeat with the rest of the dough and filling.
- Whisk the eggs and milk together in a shallow bowl. Put the breadcrumbs in another shallow bowl. Working with one half-moon at a time, dip in the egg mixture, then carefully roll in the breadcrumbs to coat. Arrange in a single layer on a plate or plates and chill in the fridge for at least 30 minutes.
- Heat enough oil for deep-frying. Fry the rissoles in batches over moderate heat until golden brown and crisp. Drain on paper towels and serve hot or at room temperature.
A rizses-húsos falatkák más népek konyhájában is jelen vannak, így például Szicília legikonikusabb street food-ja az arancino, amely szintén rántott, töltött rizsgolyó, amely több szempontból is érdekes (például örökös harc tárgya Palermo és Catania között). Olvasd el róla a cikket az 5 Perc Olasz oldalon (magyarul), és csatlakozz a követőinkhez is itt.
treat | itt: finomság |
fullcream milk | magas zsírtartalmú tej |
chicen stock | csirkehúsleves alaplé |
a pinch of | egy csipet |
nutmeg | szerecsendió |
diced | felkockázott |
finely chopped | apróra vágott |
grated | reszelt |
ground pepper | őrölt bors |
for dusting | megszórni, meghinteni |
for brushing | megkenni |
breadcrumbs | zsemlemorzsa |
clingfilm | folpack háztartási fólia |
to simmer | lassan főni |
to knead the dough | gyúrni a tésztát |
to stirfry until fragrant |
kevergetve illatozásig sütni |
flour-strewn surface | liszttel megszórt felület |
to resemble | hasonlítani |
to whisk | felverni |
batches | adagok |