RECEPT: Raspberry Crumble Muffins


Jöjjön egy különleges, morzsás-málnás muffin recept - természetesen szószedettel.

calories: 364
fat: 23g
saturated fat: 3g
carbohydrates: 57g

–        225g raspberries

–        90g golden caster sugar

–        1tbsp arrowroot

for the crumble:

–        75g self-raising flour

–        30g golden granulated sugar

–        45g unsalted butter, cubed

for the muffins:

–        375g self-raising flour

–        175g golden caster sugar

–        1tsp ground cinnamon

–        2 eggs, lightly beaten

–        125ml buttermilk

–        125ml vegetable oil

–        2tsp vanilla extract

–        ice-cream scoop

–        12-hole muffin tray, lined with paper cases

1.      Heat the oven to 180 Celsius or Gas Mark 4.

2.      Reserve 12 of the raspberries. Gently heat the remainder in a pan with the sugar and 2tnsp water. Mix the arrowroot together with 1tbsp water to make a smooth paste. When the sugar has dissolved, stir in the arrowroot and cook for a few mins, until the juices thicken and are clear. Cool.

3.      To make the crumble, mix the flour and sugar together. Rub in the butter to make chunky crumbs.

4.      To make the muffins, put the flour, sugar and cinnamon into a bowl. Mix the eggs, buttermilk, oil and vanilla in a jug with a fork. Gently combine.

5.      Use an ice-cream scoop to divide the muffin mixture between the paper cases. Top each with a spoonful of the raspberry. Sprinkle over the crumble. Bake for 25 mins until well risen and a cocktail stick inserted in the centre comes out clean. 






to reserve




to dissolve


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