Honey and Lemon Pudding

Mézes, citromos finomság hideg téli napokra. 

Serves: 6

Calories: 500

Suitable for freezing: no

Fat: 28g

Saturated fat: 16g

–         175g butter,at room temperature

–         175g golden caster sugar

–         3 medium eggs, lightly beaten

–         175g self-raising flour, sieved

–         Finely grated zest and juice of 1 lemon

–         4 tablespoons set honey

–         1.25 litre pudding basin, buttered and base lined with paper disc

1. Put the butter and sugar into a bowl and cream together with an electric mixer, if you have one, until softened, almost smooth.

2. Gradually whisk in the eggs, then fold in the flour and add the lemon zest and juice.

3. Spoon the honey into the pudding basin and then add the pudding mixture.

4. Cover with a piece of paper disc and then foil, both with a pleat in the to allow the pudding to rise. Secure with string. Steam for 1 1/2 hours, topping up the water in the pan, as needed.

5. Leave for 5-10 minutes. Remove the foil and paper, put the plate on the top and turn the bowl upside down to serve the pudding. Decorate with a few slices of lemon and spoon more honey, if you like. 

Tip from our kitchen: Short of time? Microwave the pudding on High for 6 minutes, uncovered, and leave to stand for 10 minutes. 


at room temperature


set honey

szilárd méz

pudding basin

nagy pudingforma

to whisk in


to fold in

óvatosan belekeverni





to secure

biztosítani, megkötni



to steam


