Epres, cseresznyés és gin tonikos jégkrém-recept ;)


Percek alatt elkészül, és jobb a boltinál - főleg a gin tonikos :) 

Ice lolly recipes

What’s better on a hot summer day than a cool refreshing ice lolly? But you don’t have to head to the shops, here are some reasons why homemade ice lollies are better for you:

Cheaper: All you really need to make some ice lollies is some water and a little flavouring, which can be anything you like. Keep the costs right down by making a big batch – they’ll last for ages in the freezer.

Healthier: If you make your own lolly pops at home you know exactly what’s going in them. They’re also a great way of getting the kids to eat more fruit, and if you use milk to make them, calcium too. 

Fun: No cooking involved, making ice pops can be a fun summer activity for kids.

Strawberry ice lollies

150g strawberries
90g caster sugar
1 tsp vanilla extract
500g tub of low-fat yogurt
100g melted white chocolate
60g sugar balls or strands
6 or 8 ice lolly moulds

1. Put strawberries, caster sugar and vanilla extract in a bowl. Crush fruit until roughly broken up and the sugar has dissolved.
2. Mix in low-fat natural yogurt. Pour into 6 or 8 ice-lolly moulds and freeze. Once frozen, take them out of the moulds and dip tips of the lollies in melted white chocolate, then quickly dip them in sugar balls or strands. Serve as soon as they set!

Cherry ice lollies

250g cherries, stoned
200g Greek-style yogurt
1 tablespoon honey
Finely zested rind of 1 lemon
Ice-lolly moulds and sticks

1. Place the ingredients in a liquidiser or food processor and whizz until smooth. Pour the mixture into the ice-lolly moulds and freeze for about 2 hours, until the mixture thickens. Press a stick into each and leave in the freezer and freeze until solid.
2. Remove from the freezer and dip the moulds swiftly into hot water to release the lollies.

Gin & Tonic

A classic drink re-invented for summer, who would say no to a frozen gin and tonic?

15ml gin
90ml tonic
15ml sugar syrup
some slices of lime or cucumber so that it looks extra awesome when it’s frozen 

1. Sugar syrup: 2 parts sugar and 1 part water. Bring the water to a boil and dissolve the sugar into the boiling water, stirring constantly. Once the sugar is dissolved completely, remove the pan from the heat. (Note: Do not allow the syrup to boil for too long or the syrup will be too thick.)
2. Mix the gin, tonic and syrup together, pour into some moulds, add the lime or cucumber and let them freeze overnight.

refreshing – frissítő
ice lolly – pálcás jégkrém
to head – indulni valahova
reason – ok
flavouring – ízesítés
to keep the costs down – alacsonyan tartani a költségeket
big batch – nagy adag
to last – eláll, tart valameddig
caster sugar – aprószemű kristálycukor
vanilla extract – vanília aroma
low-fat – zsírszegény
melted – olvasztott
sugar balls or strands – színes cukorgyöngy vagy pálcika alakú cukorszórás
mould – forma
to crush – összetörni
roughly – nagyjából
to dissolve – feloldódni
to dip – bemártani
to set – megszilárdulni
stoned – kimagvalt
finely zested rind – finomra reszelt citushéj
liquidiser – turmixgép
food processor – robotgép
smooth – sima
to thicken – besűrűsödni
swiftly – gyorsan
slice – szelet
part – rész
to bring to a boil – felforralni
to stir – keverni
to remove – levenni
to allow – engedni


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