Bistro Classics at Home / Bisztró klasszikusok otthon – Steak Tartare with Chips

Bisztró klasszikusok otthon: nem kell Párizsig menned, hogy kipróbáld ezt a hagyományos francia fogást, mi elhoztunk neked a receptet – természetesen angolul, szószedettel!

Barbara Joubert, a food writer, and recipe developer surrendered herself to Paris – her moods, her rhythms, and, above all, her flavours and aromas. For two weeks Barbara and her family explored the city and found inspiration in honest food and simple bistros. Here are some recipes – including words of the thought and personal experiences she brought back. Let’s have a feast

Steak Tartare with Chips

Steak tartare is raw steak that has been very finely chopped. On our first day in Paris, my twin daughters, Anya and Mia ordered it. I have eaten it before, but this time it was served with mayonnaise which made it even more delicious. Here’s my version.

Serves: 6

  • 450g sirloin steak
  • 10ml Dijon mustard
  • 2 anchovy fillets, finely chopped
  • 10ml tomato sauce
  • 10ml Worcestershire sauce
  • 10ml brandy
  • ½ red onion, finely chopped
  • 15ml capers, finely chopped
  • 20ml creamy mayonnaise
  • freshly ground black pepper
  • 30ml parsley, finely chopped
  • 750ml sunflower oil
  • 60ml duck fat
  • 1kg frozen chips


Trim all the fat from the steak. Place meat on kitchen paper and cover with more kitchen paper. The paper will draw out all moisture. Allow to stand until meat reaches room temperature. Slice strips of steak and chop very finely with a sharp knife. Place meat in a mixing bowl and add mustard, anchovy fillets, tomato sauce, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco, brandy, onion, capers, gherkins, and mayonnaise. Mix well and season with pepper. Add finely chopped parsley. Leave to stand in the fridge while you make the chips. Heat oil and duck fat together in a deep casserole dish. Put frozen chips (not all at once) in hot oil. Fry until golden brown and crisp. Drain on kitchen paper and keep warm while you fry the rest of the chips. Season with salt. Serve with slices of toasted French loaf.


recipe developer receptfejlesztő
to explore felfedezni
inspiration ihlet
feast lakoma
raw nyers
finely chopped apróra vágva
sirloin steak vesepecsenye
anchovy szardella
capers kapribogyó
black pepper feketebors
parsley petrezselyemzöld
duck fat kacsazsír
chips sült krumpli


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