Big Apple Pancake – Óriás almás palacsinta (sütőben)

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Big Apple Pancake

Preparation time:30 minutes


–          1/4 cup (100 gr) unsalted butter

–          1 large sweet apple, cut into wedges

–          1/2 cup whole milk

–          1/2 cup flour

–          4 large eggs

–          3 tablespoons granulated sugar

–          1/2 teaspoon vanilla

–          1/4 teaspoon salt

–          confectioners’ sugar for dusting


1.     Put oven rack in middle position and preheat oven to 220°C.

2.     Meltbutter in skillet over moderate heat, and then transfer 2 tablespoons to a blender. Add apple wedges to skillet and cook, turning over once, until beginning to soften, 3 to 5 minutes.

3.     While apple is cooking, add milk, flour, eggs, granulated sugar, vanilla, and salt to butter in blender and blend until smooth.

4.     Pour batter over apple and transfer skillet to oven. Bake until pancake is puffed and golden, about 15 minutes. Dust with confectioners’ sugar and serve immediately.


unsalted– nem sózott
wedges – hasábok, gerezdek
granulated sugar – kristálycukor
confectioners’ sugar – porcukor
for dusting – meghintéshez, megszóráshoz
oven rack – sütőrács
to preheat – előmelegít
to melt – olvaszt, olvad
skillet – serpenyő
blender – turmixgép
to soften – megpuhít, megpuhul
to blend  – összeturmixol
until smooth – amíg sima nem lesz
to transfer – áthelyez
puffed – felfújt
to dust – meghint, megszór
to serve immediately – azonnal tálalni