Mit szólnátok ebédre egy különleges sörös-húsos pitéhez?
serves: 6-8
preparation time: 30 minutes
cooking time: 3.5-4 hours
oven temperature: 160ºC
1.5-2kg pork shoulder roast
10ml sugar
5ml cumin
10ml paprika
5ml dry mustard
15ml sunflower oil
1 onion, chopped
2 carrots, peeled and roughly chopped
2 stalks celery, chopped
2 cloves garlic, chopped
375ml beer
350ml buttermilk
30ml flour
30ml Worcestershire sauce
15ml Dijon mustard
1 roll ready-made puff pastry
1 egg, lightly beaten
coleslaw and sweet potato chips, to serve
1. Put the oven rack in the lower half of the oven. Mix the sugar, cumin, paprika and dry mustard together with 1ml salt. Rub all over the piece of pork. Set aside for 30-60 minutes.
2. Heat an ovenproof casserole on the stove. Add the oil and brown the meat on all sides.
3. Add the vegetables and cook for a few minutes, stirring. Add the beer. Bring to the boil. Remove from the heat and cover. Transfer to the preheated oven and cook for three hours or until the meat is falling apart.
4. Remove the meat from the cooking juices and allow it to cool slightly, then use two forks to shred the meat and pull it apart. Discard the fat and bones.
5. Strain the liquid. Allow the fat to rise to the top of the stock and then remove most of it. Chop up the vegetables and add them to the meat.
6. Heat the butter in a saucepan. Add the flour and cook, stirring until it browns. Add the liquid, a little at a time. Stir continuously to avoid lumps. Stir until thickened then add the Worcestershire sauce.
7. Spoon the meat mixture into a greased pie dish and set aside to cool.
8. Increase the oven temperature to 200ºC Brush the edges of the pie dish with egg wash. Cut a thin strip of pastry and stick it around the edge of the dish. Cut a round from the remaining pastry and cover the dish. Cut a hole in the top for the steam to escape. Brush with egg wash. Bake until crisp and golden. Serve with coleslaw and sweet potato chips.
beer-braised |
sörben párolt |
pork pie |
sertéshúsos pite |
shoulder |
lapocka |
celery stalk |
zellerszár |
ready-made |
félkész |
puff pastry |
leveles tészta |
lightly beaten |
enyhén felvert |
coleslaw |
káposztasaláta |
oven rack |
sütőrács |
to stir |
megkeverni |
preheated oven |
előmelegített sütő |
to shred |
csíkokra vágni |