AIR FRYER RECEPTEK: Cottage Cheese and Roasted Tomato Egg Bowls

Az utóbbi években nagyon nagy népszerűségnek örvendenek az air fryerek, azaz a forró levegős sütők, hiszen nem csak nagyon gyorsan készül el benne az étel, de olajat sem kell használnod (vagy csak minimálisat), így egészségesebb fogásokat is tudsz készíteni.

Air fryers are the ultimate kitchen companion. With faster cooking times and using less energy, they’re a kitchen must-have – especially for smaller families, or for people who don’t want to spend much time cooking but crave delicious dishes.

Cottage Cheese and Roasted Tomato Egg Bowls

serves: 2
preparation: 10 minutes
standing time: 5 minutes
cooking: 15-20 minutes


for the roasted tomatoes:

  • 30ml (2T) olive oil
  • ½ onion chopped
  • 250g cherry tomatoes halved
  • salt
  • freshly ground pepper

for the egg bowls:

  • 60ml (¼c) cream or milk
  • ½ round feta cheese, crumbled
  • 2-4 eggs
  • 60ml (¼c) smooth cottage cheese
  • 2,5ml (½t) cumin seeds

to serve:

  • fresh basil toast (optional)


  1. Heat the air fryer to 180°C. Grease small ovenproof dishes or 2 ramekins with non-stick spray.
  2. Roasted tomatoes: Mix the oil, onion and tomatoes well. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper and divide the mixture between the dishes.
  3. Put the dishes in the fryer and air-fry for 5-10 minutes until the tomatoes start bursting open.
  4. Egg bowls: Remove the dishes from the air fryer and divide the cream and feta between the dishes. Mix lightly. Break an egg or two in each dish and top with cottage cheese.
  5. Sprinkle the cumin seeds over the eggs and air-fry the egg bowls for 10 minutes or until the eggs are cooked to your liking.
  6. To serve: Leave to stand for 5 minutes. Garnish with basil and serve with toast (if using).


must-have nélkülözhetetlen eszköz
halved félbevágva
freshly ground frissen őrölt
pepper bors
crumbled szétmorzsolva
cumin seed római köménymag
to grease zsiradékkal kikenni
ovenproof dish tűzálló edény
ramekin kisméretű porcelánedény
to season fűszerezni
to burst open szétnyílni
to sprinkle hinteni
to your liking ízlés szerint