Stay Safe – Idioms


Biztonsággal és védelemmel kapcsolatos kifejezések.

Stay Safe!

to take cover
meaning: to hide from danger or bad weather
magyarulfedezékbe vonulni
example: When the tornado warning siren went off, everybody rushed to take cover. – Amikor megszólalt a tornádó-jelző sziréna, mindenki fedezékbe rohant.

wrapped up in cotton wool
meaning: over-protected from dangers and risks
magyarul: burokban tartani, túlzottan védeni
example: She wraps that child up in cotton wool and doesn’t let her go anywhere alone. – Teljesen burokban tartja azt a gyereket, és sehova nem engedi el egyedül.

no-go area
meaning: a city area where it is dangerous to go
magyarulelkerülendő, veszélyes környék
example: Don’t take the train! The station at night is a no-go area. – Ne gyere vonattal! Az állomás éjszaka veszélyes környék.

There’s safety in numbers.
meaning: being part of a group makes people feel more safe and confident when doing something
magyarulcsoportban biztonságosabb
example: Zebras live in herds because there’s safety in numbers. – A zebrák csapatban élnek, mert csoportosan biztonságosabb.

to ride out the storm
meaning: to survive a dangerous or very unpleasant situation
magyarulmegvárja, amíg elvonul a vihar
example: Photos of the minister taking a bribe were published in tabloids but he rode out the storm and didn’t resign. – A bulvárlapokban közöltek fotókat a miniszterről, amint épp kenőpénzt vesz át, de nem mondott le, hanem megvárta, amíg elvonul a vihar.

It was a close shave.
meaning: this describes a situation where an accident or a disaster nearly happened
magyarulépphogy megúszta
example: Tom almost fell under a truck when his bike wheel caught in a crack. It was a close shave. – Tom majdnem egy teherautó alá esett, amikor a biciklije kereke beszorult egy repedésbe. Épphogy megúszta.

calculated risk
meaning: a risk taken with the full knowledge of the dangers involved
magyarultudatos kockázatvállalás
example: The company took a calculated risk when they decided to open a branch in China. – A cég tudatosan bevállalta a kockázatot, amikor Kínában nyitott irodát.

The coast is clear.
meaning: there is no danger in sight
magyarulnincs veszély, tiszta a levegő
example: The coast is clear. Let’s load up the stuff and go! – Tiszta a levegő. Pakoljuk fel a cuccot, aztán nyomás!

Look before you leap.
meaning: think carefully about the possible dangers before doing something
magyarulgondolkodás nélkül ne ugorj bele
example: I know you’d like to get rich fast but look before you leap! – Tudom, hogy szeretnél gyorsan meggazdagodni, de gondolkodás nélkül ne ugorj bele!

to risk life and limb
meaning: to do something when while in danger of death or serious injury
magyarultesti épségét kockáztatja, kockára teszi az életét
example: Sam risked life and limb to save the kitten from the burning house. – Sam kockára tette az életét, hogy kimentse a cicát az égő házból.

to hang on for dear life
meaning: to grip something firmly so as not to fall in a dangerous situation
magyarulfoggal-körömmel kapaszkodik
example: After the two back wheels broke off, the passengers hung on for dear life. – Miután letört a a két hátsó kerék, az utasok foggal-körömmel kapaszkodtak.

to have a lot at stake
meaning: to be in a risky situation with a lot to win or lose
magyarulsok vesztenivalója van
example: Jim was really nervous, he knew he had a lot at stake. – Jim nagyon ideges volt, tudta, hogy sok vesztenivalója van.

Fill in the gaps with the right words.


to leap


to wrap


to hang



to ride

to take



1. Ask anybody. That housing estate is a no-go ……………….. .

2. You can’t expect me to risk ……………….. and limb for a ring? I’m not going into that lake to look for it.

3. He’s very touchy. His mum ……………….. him up in cotton wool when he was a kid.

4. The footballers knew they had a lot at ……………….. and trained extra hard before the match.

5. My grandmother always used to say there’s safety in ……………….. .

6. Don’t come in today, the boss is furious. You’d better ……………….. out the storm at home.

7. The guards went back in the building. The ……………….. was clear!

8. All I ask is look before you ……………….. . You could lose all your savings.

9. Hiring Monica who had no work experience was a calculated ……………….. we had to take. She was the only one with the right qualifications.

10. I don’t mind the car, I’m just thankful you’re unharmed. It was a close ……………….. .

11. The soldiers ……………….. cover when the bombing started.

12. Dave has vertigo and ……………….. on for dear life at the top of the Eiffel Tower.


1. area

2. life

3. wrapped

4. stake

5. numbers

6. ride

7. coast

8. leap

9. risk

10. shave

11. took

12. hung

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