Idioms describing feelings and mood


Íme, egy hosszabb feladatsor az érzelmekkel kapcsolatos idiómák gyakorlására. 

Decide if the following idioms are positive or negative. Put them in the right column.

·         to be in high spirits

·         to be down in the dumps

·         to be a bit under the weather

·         to be on top form

·         to be on cloud nine

·         to be over the moon

·         to be in a mood

·         to be a fit as a fiddle

·         to be like a bear with a sore head

·         to be keeping one’s chin up

·         to have butterflies in one’s stomach

·         to be in seventh heaven


















·         to be down in the dumps

·         to be a bit under the weather

·         to be in a mood

·         to be like a bear with a sore head

·         to have butterflies in one’s stomach




·         to be in high spirits

·         to be on top form

·         to be on cloud nine

·         to be over the moon

·         to be a fit as a fiddle

·         to be keeping one’s chin up

·         to have butterflies in one’s stomach

·         to be in seventh heaven



to be in high spirits

enjoying things a lot and be in a happy state

nagyon jókedvű – nagy lángon ég

to be down in the dumps

to be depressed

“lent” van, depressziós kicsit

to be a bit under the weather

not feeling quite well

nem valami jól érzi magát

to be on top form

to be in very good physical and mental condition

kitűnő formában van

to be on cloud nine

to be very very very happy

az egekig repdesni az örömtől, nagyon boldog

to be over the moon

to be very very very happy

 nagyon boldog,

to be in a mood

to be in a very bad mood or temper

nagyon ingerkékeny, feszült, rosszkedvű

to be a fit as a fiddle

to be in very good health


to be like a bear with a sore head

to be very nervous and irritable

nagyon nagyon rosszkedvű és ideges

to be keeping one’s chin up

to be happy and optimistic

‘fel a fejjel’, jókedvű a körülmények ellenére

to have butterflies in one’s stomach

to be nervous or excited

izgulni (lehet negatív és pozitív is)

to be in seventh heaven

to be very very very happy

a hetedik mennyországban érzi magát, nagyon boldog

Choose the correct form to complete the sentences.

1.    You’d better not talk to him now. He’s in a ___________.

a)    dump

b)    mood

c)    sky

2.    Before our first date I had ____________. I couldn’t sleep the night before.

a)    on my top form

b)    my chin up

c)    butterflies in my stomach

3.    He’s been __________ since their breakup. He is not even willing to come out of his room.

a)    down in the dumps

b)    in a state

c)    in seventh heaven

4.    My grandma is 87 years old but she’s still ____________.

a)    on cloud nine.

b)    as fit as a fiddle.

c)    over the moon.

5.    The party was great. Even Chris, who is my most serious friend, was _______.

a)    in high spirits.

b)    in high spirit.

c)    in high mood.

6.    I think I’ll go home. I’m a bit ___________.

a)    down in the dumps.

b)    over the weather.

c)    under the weather.

7.    She’s been ____________ since their engagement party.

a)    in cloud nine

b)    on cloud nine

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