10 hasznos üzleti phrasal verb - bármikor jól jöhet!
Communicating with native English speakers in a business setting means you’ll hear phrasal verbs at least once, if not several times, during a conversation. Phrasal verbs can make the conversation confusing and difficult to follow for non-native English speakers. Phrasal verbs are verbs used with another word (an adverb or preposition) to create a commonly used phrase.
Phrasal verbs are idiomatic — you can’t deduce the meaning of a phrasal verb by interpreting each of the words it contains literally. For example, if you say, “I’ll look into the mirror,” you are going to direct your sight to a mirror. In this case, look into is not a phrasal verb; it’s simply a verb followed by a preposition. On the other hand, if you say, “I don’t know what phrasal verbs are, but I’ll look into it,” you are not directing your sight into phrasal verbs—you are going to find out more about them. Let’s take a look at ten common phrasal verbs used in business.
1. To ask around – körbekérdezni, megkérdezni az embereket
Definition: to ask many people the same question
Example: “I will ask around to find out who wants to go to lunch together.” – Körbekérdezek, hogy ki akar együtt ebédelni menni.
2. To call back – visszahívni
Definition: to return a phone call
Example: “I called her yesterday and am waiting for her to call back.” – Felhívtam tegnap, és várom, hogy visszahívjon.
3. To come across – valamire véletlenül ráakadni
Definition: to find unexpectedly
Example: “If you come across my keys while you’re in the break room, please bring them to me.” – Ha netán megtalálod a kulcsaimat a pihenőben, hozd be nekem, kérlek!
4. To drop by – rövid időre beugrani
Definition: to visit briefly; to meet without making an appointment first
Example: “Drop by my office after the meeting so we can discuss this further.” – A megbeszélés után ugorj be az irodámba, hogy tovább tudjunk beszélgetni erről a dologról.
5. To figure (something) out – megérteni, felfogni, rájönni valamire
Definition: to find the answer; to understand
Example: “The solution isn’t clear to me right now. I’ll figure it out and give you the answer later.” – Pillanatnyilag még nem látom tisztán a megoldást. Rá fogok jönni, és később választ adok neked.
6. To run by/past – megbeszélni, valaki véleményét kikérni
Definition: to discuss something with a person for his or her opinion
Example: “Please run it by Arthur. He has done this type of project before and can let you know how it should look.” – Kérlek, kérd ki Arthur véleményét a dologról! Ő már csinált ilyen típusú projektet, és meg tudja mondani, hogy milyennek kéne lennie.
7. To shop around – körbekérdezni árakkal/áru minőségével kapcsolatban, felmérni az árakat
Definition: to compare prices or quality of an item from different sources (similar to ask around)
Example: “Our usual supplier is expensive. Let’s shop around for a better price on the products.” – A megszokott beszállítónk drága. Nézzünk körül, hátha jobb áron találunk ilyen terméket!
8. To think (something) over – átgondolni
Definition: to consider
Example: “We have several possible plans to think over. We need another day to consider them.” – Sok lehetséges tervet kell átgondolnunk. Még egy napra van szükségünk a mérlegeléshez.
9. To write up – letisztázni, véglegesíteni, begépelni
Definition: to type on a computer, usually from a rough draft or handwritten notes; to create a complete version
Example: “After the meeting, please write up the minutes and e-mail them to everyone so we know who will do which tasks this week.” – A megbeszélés után kérlek, hogy gépeld be a jegyzőkönyvet, és küldd el mindenkinek e-mailben, hogy tudjuk, ki mit fog csinálni a héten.
10. To zero in on – ráfókuszálni, közelebbről megnézni
Definition: to focus closely on
Example: “We can zero in on the candidates for this position during the interviews. Right now we can only see how talented they are on paper.” – Az interjúk során közelebbről is megvizsgálhatjuk az állásra jelentkezőket. Ebben a pillanatban csupán papíron látjuk, hogy ki milyen tehetséges.
source: grammarly.com
Which phrasal verb would you use in the following sentences?
1. Don’t make a hasty decision. You should ……… all the details first.
2. If you want a real bargain ……… and decide later.
3. I would like to celebrate the birthday of my boss at a very special place. I will …….. to find the best location.
4. You see the overall picture only now. Please ……. on the details as well.
5. Mr Smith has phoned you. He wants you to …….. at your earliest convenience.
6. If you are in town don’t hesitate to ……… .
7. I’ve ……. this piece of information by accident but it has really changed my career.
8. ……… the plan we’ve discussed, please. I can’t seem to read your handwriting.
9. I’ll give you an answer as soon as I …….. what I am supposed to do.
10. Before you start this project, ………. by my boss. He is a real expert.
1. think over
2. shop around
3. ask around
4. zero in
5. call back
6. drop by
7. come across
8. write up
9. figure out
10. run it by
adverb |
határozószó |
preposition |
elöljárószó |
commonly used |
általánosan használt |
to deduce |
levezetni, következtetni |
to interpret |
lefordítani |
literally |
szó szerint |
unexpectedly |
váratlanul, véletlenül |
briefly |
röviden |
draft |
vázlat |
hasty |
elsietett |
overall picture |
átfogó kép, teljes kép |
at your earliest convenience |
amint alkalmas neked |
to hesitate |
habozni |
by accident |
véletlenül |
expert |
szakértő |