Brainy Idioms – “Agyafúrt” idiómák :)


Ebben a leckében intelligenciával, felfogóképességgel kapcsolatos idiómákat és kifejezéseket fogunk megtanulni.

to beat one’s brains out
meaning:to try very hard to understand something or solve a problem
magyarul: tornáztatja az agyát/ erősen koncentrál, hogy megoldjon valamit
example: My grandmother likes to beat her brains out every day trying to do the crossword puzzle in the newspapers. – A nagymamám szereti naponta megtornáztatni az agyát azzal, hogy megoldja az újságokban a keresztrejtvényeket.

It’s beyond me.
meaning:it is impossible for you to understand
magyarul: ez számomra felfoghatatlan, ez nekem magas
example: It’s beyond me why she wants to marry Jim. – Nekem magas, hogy miért akar hozzámenni Jimhez.

to put on your thinking cap
meaning:to ask somebody to find an idea or to solve a problem by thinking about it
magyarul: elgondolkozni/eltöprengeni valamin, gondolkodni a megoldáson
example: Now, here is my quiz for today: it’s time to put your thinking caps on! – Nahát akkor, itt a feladványom mára: itt az ideje, hogy elkezdjetek rajta gondolkodni.

to have no clue
meaning:not to know anything about something
magyarul: fogalma sincs valamiről
example: Jenny’s age?  I don’t have a clue. She can be anywhere between twenty and forty. – Hány éves Jenny? Fogalmam sincs. Bármennyi lehet húsz és negyven között.

common knowledge
meaning:well-known information (particularly in a community or group)
magyarul: köztudott
example: You didn’t know about Jack’s affair? I thought it was common knowledge. – Nem tudtál Jack viszonyáról? Azt hittem, köztudott.

to get the message
meaning:to understand what someone is trying to tell you, even if it’s expressed without any words
magyarul: venni a lapot, venni az adást
example: When my husband pointed to his watch, I got the message. It was time to leave the party. – Amikor a férjem rámutatott az órájára, vettem az adást. Ideje volt elindulni a buliból.

to get wise to
meaning:to learn something that you were not aware of before
magyarul: megtudni valamit, ráeszmélni valamire, rájönni valamire
example: He finally got wise to the fact that his wife was cheating on him. – Végre ráeszmélt, hogy a felesége megcsalja.

to hit the nail on the head
meaning:to be absolutely right about something or to have guessed the exact nature of a problem or situation
magyarul: fején találni a szeget
example: You hit the nail on the head when you said Tom has no money. He lost his job two months ago. – Fején találtad a szeget, amikor azt mondtad, hogy Tomnak nincs pénze. Két hónapja vesztette el az állását.

lightbulb moment
meaning:a sudden moment of inspiration, comprehension or realization
magyarul: amikor valaki hirtelen megért valamit, megvilágosodik neki valami
example: We had a lightbulb moment when we finally realized what was blocking the system. – Végre megvilágosodott nekünk, hogy mi akasztotta meg a rendszert.

to lose the thread
meaning:to be unable to follow a story or a conversation
magyarul: elveszíteni a fonalat
example: There were so many things going on that I lost the thread and didn’t know where I had to go. – Annyi minden zajlott, hogy elveszítettem a fonalat, és nem tudtam hova kell mennem.

not the brightest bulb in the box/not the sharpest knife in the drawer
meaning:expressions used to say that someone is not very intelligent
magyarul: nem a legélesebb elméjű
example: Max has just failed the exam for the third time. He’s obviously not the sharpest knife in the drawer. – Max most bukott meg harmadszorra a vizsgán. Egészen biztosan nem egy agysebész szegény.

meaning:a decision or choice that requires little or no thought, because the best option is obvious
magyarul: nem egy nagy feladat, nem kérdés
example:The choice between home-delivery or a takeaway restaurant was a no-brainer. It was freezing outside. – Nem volt kérdés, hogy házhoz rendeljünk valamit, vagy mi hozzunk valahonnan enni. Nagyon hideg volt odakint. 

I. Fill in the gaps with the words in the table.

lose the thread

have no clue

get the message

lightbulb moment


common knowledge

1. It was a real ………. when I realised that solving the problem depended on a very little thing.
2. How could you have missed that they’re in a relationship? It’s been ………. in the office for a while.
3. Shall we stay or shall we leave? This party is so dull that it’s a ………. .
4. The professor was so highbrow that it was easy to ………. already on the first lecture.
5. I ………. what to do with my life. I would like to do something meaningful.
6. Though his body language was very vivid I just couldn’t ………. without him telling me later about what he intended to say.

II. Match each idiom to its definition.


to beat one’s brain out


I find it impossible to understand.


It’s beyond me.


to learn something you weren’t aware of


to put on your thinking cap


to be absolutely right about something


to get wise to


not very intelligent


to hit the nail on the head


to try hard to solve something


not the sharpest knife in the drawer


ask someone to think about a problem to solve it

1. lightbulb moment
2. common knowledge
3. no-brainer
4. lose the thread
5. have no clue
6. get the message


1. E
2. A
3. F
4. B
5. C
6. D

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