Hallás utáni értés (B1 alapfok) – Love Notes

Hallgasd meg ezt a B1, azaz alapfokú angol szöveget, és válaszolj a kérdésekre.

  1. Hova vitte a beszélő a fiát?
  2. Hova utazott a fiú?
  3. Mi az, amit nem hallott otthon a beszélő, ami hiányzott neki?
  4. Hol hagyott a fiú üzeneteket?
  5. Milyen üzenetet hagyott a fürdőszobában és a tükrön?
  6. Hova írta meg, hogy szereti?
  7. Mitől tartott a beszélő, amikor talált egy üzenetet?
  8. Miért hívta fel a fiú?
  9. Miért hagyott neki üzeneteket?
  10. Mit remél a beszélő?

Love Notes

Today, we took our son to the train station so he could go back to college for the spring semester of his first year. When I got home, the house felt too quiet. I missed hearing him talk, play his guitar, and even the sounds of his video games. Every part of the house seemed empty without him.

But then, as I was walking around, I started finding notes. He had left me notes everywhere in the house. There was a note saying, “Have a nice bath,” in the bathroom on the edge of the bathtub. Another note on the mirror in the hallway said, “You look beautiful.” And inside my coffee maker, I found a note that said, “I love you.”

What a wonderful surprise! Finding these notes made me so happy. I kept finding more and more of them. Each time I found one, I was afraid it would be the last, but then I would find another. When he called me to let me know how his trip was going, I asked him why he had left all these notes. He told me it was because he didn’t want me to forget him.

As if that’s possible, as if I could ever forget him. I hope by now he has found the note I left inside the lunch I packed for him. It said, “Be careful and I love you.” Because I don’t want him to forget me either”.

 source: Facebook / Interesting Creations