Ebből az olvasás értést ellenőrző feladatból megtudhatod, hogy miért alakult ki káosz nemrégiben a bankautomatáknál.
Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space.
Customers 1) ……………….. furious yesterday after their bank left them stranded without cash for the second time in less than a year. They bombarded Royal Bank of Scotland message boards and social networks after an IT glitch meant they could not 2) ……………….. cash machines. Telephone and online banking services were also disrupted by the problem, 3) ……………….. began around 9pm on Wednesday.
State-backed RBS, which includes NatWest and Ulster Bank, 4) ……………….. a hardware fault was to blame and claimed the problem was rectified within two hours. It apologised for an ‘unacceptable failure’ and promised 5) ……………….. compensate customers for any losses they suffered. But RBS insisted there was no link to last summer’s chaos, when a botched software upgrade left 16million RBS, NatWest and Ulster Bank customers unable to make or receive 6) ……………….. – in some cases for several weeks.
RBS, which received a £45.5billion bail-out from taxpayers in 2008, has already set aside £175million to compensate 7) ………………..for June’s chaos. It could not say how 8) ………………..were affected by Wednesday night’s problems but a message board on NatWest’s website was swamped with complaints, some of which referred to the company’s ‘helpful banking’ slogan.
One customer wrote: “I can’t get to 9) ……………….. as bank card was declined on train, so lost a day’s wage and you expect me to pay to call for info!’ Another said: ‘Really upset that NatWest have failed again. We understand that things sometimes go 10) ……………….. – but ‘helpful banking’ is all about helping people and communication with them. After last year’s fiasco I stuck with you, but now I’m not going to.”
source: Daily Mail
1. A) is, B) was, C) were, D) have been
2. A) buy, B) take, C) rob, D) use
3. A) which, B) whom, C) what, D) where
4. A) talked, B) said, C) asked, D) told
5. A) with, B) on, C) to, D) about
6. A) letters, B) payments, C) mistakes, D) money
7. A) patients, B) students, C) commuters, D) customers
8. A) many, B) most, C) much, D) about
9. A) cinema, B) work, C) eat, D) pub
10. A) strange, B) down, C) bad, D) wrong
Answers: 1) C, 2) D, 3) A, 4) B, 5) C, 6) D, 7) D, 8) A, 9) B, 10) D
furious – dühös
to leave someone stranded – cserben hagyni valakit
cash – készpénz
to bombard – bombázni, támadni, ostromolni
message board – üzenőfal
social network – közösségi oldal
glitch – hiba
service – szolgáltatás
to disrupt – megzavarni, megszakítani, felborítani
state-backed – államilag támogatott
fault – hiba
to blame – hibáztatni, okolni
to claim – állítani
to rectify – helyrehozni
to apologise – bocsánatot/elnézést kérni
unacceptable – elfogadhatatlan
failure – meghibásodás, hiba, csőd
to suffer – elszenvedni
to insist – ragaszkodni valamihez
botched – elrontott, elfuserált
upgrade – feljavítás, fejlesztés
unable – képtelen
to receive – kapni
in some cases – egyes esetekben
bail-out – kisegítés
taxpayer – adófizető
to set aside – félretenni
to affect – befolyásolni, kihatással lenni
to swamp – elárasztani, elönteni
complaint – panasz
to refer to – utalni valamire
to decline – elutasítani
wage – (munka)bér, munkadíj
to expect – számítani valamire, elvárni valamit
upset – felháborodott
to stick with – kitartani valaki/valami mellett