Érdekességek a karácsonyfáról: Christmas tree facts

Megvan már a karácsonyfátok? Műfenyőt vagy igazit fogtok díszíteni? A mai adventi naptár a karácsonyfáról szól. Érdekes tényeket olvashattok róla. A videóból pedig megtanulhattok origami karácsonyfát hajtogatni

The Christmas tree is a tradition associated with the celebration of Christmas. It is normally an evergreen coniferous tree that is cut in the wild and brought into the home. It is decorated with Christmas lights and colourful ornaments during the days around Christmas. An angel or a star is often placed at the top of the tree. Fir trees outside the home may be decorated in a similar fashion. The custom of the Christmas tree has its origin among the Protestant peoples of Northern Europe. It is not however a religious symbol.

Types of trees used

Both natural and artificial trees are used as Christmas trees.

Some trees are sold live with roots and soil, often from a nursery, to be planted later outdoors and enjoyed (and often decorated) for years or decades.

Artificial trees have become increasingly popular, as they are considered more convenient and (if used for several years) less expensive than real trees. Trees come in a number of colours and “species“, and some come pre-decorated with lights. At the end of the Christmas season artificial trees can be disassembled and stored compactly.

The first artificial trees that were not green were the metallic trees, introduced in about 1958, and quite popular through the 1960s.

Other artificial trees may look nothing like a conifer except for the triangular or conical shape. These may be made from cardboard, glass, plastic, or from stacked items such as ornaments. Such items are often used as tabletop decorations.

Fordítsd le a szavakat, kifejezéseket angolra!

  1. tűlevelű fa
  2. karácsonyi égők
  3. műfenyő
  4. faiskola
  5. színes díszek
  6. asztali dísz


  1. coniferous tree
  2. Christmas lights
  3. artificial (Christmas) tree
  4. nursery
  5. colourful ornaments
  6. tabletop decoration


tradition hagyomány, tradíció
to associate with összefüggésbe hozni
celebration ünneplés
evergreen örökzöld
coniferus tűlevelű
in the wild a természetben
Christmas lights karácsonyi égők/világítás
ornament dísz
angel angyal
star csillag
fir tree fenyőfa
in a similar fashion hasonló módon
custom szokás
origin eredet
peoples népek
religious vallási
symbol jelkép
natural természetes
live élő
roots gyökerek
soil föld
nursery faiskola
outdoors kint, kültéren
decade évtized
to become válni valamivé
increasingly egyre inkább
to be considered tartják valamilyennek
convenient kényelmes
species fajta
pre-decorated előre feldíszített
to disassemble szétszedni
to store tárolni
compactly kis helyen
triangular háromszög alakú
conical kúp alakú
cardboard karton
glass üveg
plastic műanyag
stacked egymásra rakott
tabletop decoration asztali dísz

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