Advent Calendar 2020 Day 7: Reverse Advent Calendar

Karácsony körül adni is jó dolog, nem csak kapni. Amellett, hogy fogy a csoki az adventi naptárból, mi magunk is készíthetünk adventi naptárt a rászorulóknak. Olvasd el, hogy hogyan! Még ma sem késő elkezdeni!

The festive season of Christmas is fast approaching, along with the many Christmassy traditions that come with it. While advent calendars, trees, wreaths, and all the other trimmings are a wonderful part of the experience, there is a way that you can adapt your celebrations to help others in need.

The reverse advent calendar is becoming increasingly popular. Instead of (or as well as) eating a piece of chocolate to mark the days that lead up to Christmas, the idea is to put aside an item each day to donate. The aim of making a reverse advent calendar is to help the less fortunate at Advent, at this special time of the year.

All you need to do to participate is to grab a box and, every day from the 1st to the 24th December, place one non-perishable item in it. At the end of the 24 days, you will be ready to give a box of gifts to people who desperately need your help.

Reverse advent calendars are a lovely way to support people who are struggling to afford the basics at Christmas time. Food banks really appreciate every single donation – it makes such a difference in the short-term

How to make a reverse advent calendar

The first task is to decide what you’re going to collect. You can either pick a themetoiletries, books, clothes, food, toys – or decide to do a mix.

Then, find a box or container that you can put your donations in each day. This can be a cardboard box, or a carefully and festively decorated calendar complete with glitter-covered doors, depending on your creative skills. After all, what matters is what’s inside.

Each day, choose an item to go in your reverse advent calendar. Then, on the final day take your collection to a church, a charity or someone in need.

You will definitely make someone very happy with your gift!


Can you collect items that you can put into a reverse advent calendar box?

  1. toiletries


  1. non-perishable food


  1. gift items


  1. toys



  1. toiletries: toothbrush. toothpaste, soap, deodorant, shampoo, hairbrush, comb, after shave, razor, shaving foam
  2. non-perishable food: flour, sugar, chocolate, canned food, dried fruits, nuts and seeds, cookies, cereal bars, dried soups, UHT milk, fruit juice
  3. gift items: colour pencils, felt-tip pens, crayons, colouring books, Christmas ornaments, books, exercise books, pens, hat, scarf, gloves, ribbon, hairband
  4. toys: toy car, puzzle, doll, plush animals, board games, ball


festive ünnepi
to approach közeledni
along with valamivel együtt
wreath koszorú
trimming dísz, díszítés
to adapt átalakítani, adaptálni
somebody in need nélkülöző
reverse megfordított
increasingly egyre inkább
to mark számon tartani
to lead up to sg tartani/vezetni valami felé
to put aside félretenni
to donate adakozni
the less fortunate a kevésbé szerencsés helyzetben lévők
to participate részt venni
to grab megragadni
non-perishable nem romlandó
desperately kétségbeesetten, nagyon
to support segíteni, támogatni
to struggle küzdeni
to afford the basics megengedni maguknak az alapvetően szükséges dolgokat
food bank rászorulóknak élelmiszert gyűjtő hely
in the short term rövid távon
to decide eldönteni, elhatározni
theme téma
toiletries tisztálkodási szerek
mix keverék, mindenféle dolog
container tartó
donation adomány
cardboard box kartondoboz
glitter-covered csillogóan beborított
what matters is ami számít
what’s inside hogy mi van benne
on the final day az utolsó napon
church gyülekezet
charity jótékonysági szervezet
comb fésű
razor borotva
shaving foam borotvahab
canned food konzerv élelmiszer
dried fruits szárított gyümölcsök
nuts and seeds dió/mogyoró és magvak
felt-tip pen filctoll
crayon zsírkréta
Christmas ornaments karácsonyi díszek
ribbon szalag
hairband hajgumi
doll baba
board game társasjáték

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