5 kifejezés naponta – Közlekedés – zebrák

Mai ötös fogatunk a gyalogos átkelőhelyekkel foglalkozik. Sok érdekességet megtudhattok róluk a mini leckében.

1.Belisha beaconBelisha jelzőfény
in the UK, a post with a flashing orange light on top that shows where cars must stop to allow people to walk across a road; a tall black and white pole topped by flashing orange globe, placed on either side of the road at zebra crossings; mostly now replaced by more sophisticated arrangements

2.zebra crossing – zebra, gyalogátkelőhely
a place on a road, especially one where there is a lot of traffic, across which wide, black and white lines are painted, and at which vehicles must stop to allow people to walk across the road

3.pelican crossing – jelzőgombbal ellátott gyalogátkelőhely
a special place in the road in the UK, with a set of lights at the opposite side of the road and a device that people can press to make the red light show and the traffic stop, allowing them to cross

4.puffin crossingpedestrian user friendly intelligent crossing – szenzoros gyalogátkelőhely
(in the UK) a special place in the road with a set of lights at the side of the road next to the pedestrian (= person walking), and a device that they can press to change the light and make the traffic stop, allowing them to cross
The design is distinct in that the lights controlling the pedestrians are on the same side of the road as the pedestrian user. They have two sensors on top of the traffic lights (PCD pedestrian crossing detector and PKD pedestrian kerb detector). These sensors detect if pedestrians are crossing slowly and can hold the red traffic light longer if needed. If a pedestrian presses the button but then walks off, the PKD will cancel the request making the lights more efficient.

5.pedestrian crossing(UK)/crosswalk (US) – gyalogátkelőhely
a special place in a road where traffic must stop to allow people to walk across

interesting piece of info:

traffic light colours:

green – amber(UK)/yellow(US) – red

amber (UK) – the yellowish-orange traffic light that shows between the green and the red to warn drivers that the lights are about to change

The lights flashed amber then green. – A lámpák sárga, majd zöld színben villogtak.

sources: Cambridge Dictionary; Glosbe; definitions.net


flashing villogó
pole oszlop
globe gömb
sophisticated arrangements kifinomult megoldások
vehicles járművek
to allow sb to do sg megengedni, hogy valaki tegyen valamit
opposite side ellentétes oldal
to press megnyomni
distinct különálló
kerb járda
to detect észlelni
to walk off elsétálni
to cancel the request törölni a kérést
efficient hatékony
amber sárga; borostyán
to be about to hamarosan történni fog valami

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