Magyar karácsonyi csemegék – szókincs, videó és szövegértés

A videóban Eileen tesztel néhány magyar karácsonyi csemegét. Lássuk, melyik tetszik neki a legjobban?

A videó megnézése után próbáld kiegészíteni a rövid messenger üzeneteket, amiket Eileen írt a barátainak tesztelés közben az egyes finomságokról. Segítségül a feladat alatt elolvashatod a videó átiratát.

Message 1:

1._________Get it in a whole 2. ___or just a little slice but this is most 3. _______ at Christmastime. Made with 4. _______seed or walnut I 5. ______a walnut slice. The walnut 6. ______is soft and there’re hard walnuts inside for the 7._____. It tastes really fresh.

Message 2:

8._________ gingerbread but it’s 9.  _______. Icing is so 10. ______so I feel bad eating it. Tastes different to our gingerbread. Taste is the same but it’s airier and 11. ____chewy.

Message 3:

12._________look like little crackers and used as décor on Xmas trees as 13. ____décor, a good idea. Flavors? honey, orange, and cherry, my fav is definitely 14. _____

I’m at the Christmas Market here in Budapest and of course Christmas is the time when you want to eat as many delicious things as humanly possible, so that’s what I’m here to do.

I want to find all of the special Hungarian Christmas treats and show them to you and taste them all.

This is Christmas in Hungary:

  1. This is a rolled pastry called bejgli and I asked my friend who’s from Budapest the first thing that came to mind when she thought of Hungarian Christmas and she said bejgli and it looks delicious. You can buy a whole log or I just got a little slice. It’s very, very traditional and it’s special to eat at Christmastime and it’s traditionally made with poppy seed or walnut, so I opted for the walnut. It does taste very Christmassy. The walnut puree is really soft and then you’ve got, like, hard walnuts inside for the crunch. It tastes really fresh as well. Mmm yeah, that’s good.
  2. This is basically gingerbread. It’s called mézeskalács, I think, and it’s…it’s basically gingerbread but it’s really, really lightweight. It almost feels like nothing in your hands and Marc went for the guitar and I kept it classic with a Santa. And what makes these special is that they put a lot of detail into how they decorate them. So the icing is usually really, really intricate so I feel almost bad eating it but I’m going to anyway. It definitely tastes different to gingerbread that I’m used to. It has the same ginger taste but the texture’s totally different: airier, a lot less chewiness.
  3. A tradition in Hungary is Christmas candy. These look like little crackers and they actually decorate the trees with these in addition to eating them. So, I got three kinds: honey, orange, and cherry. And it really, to me, looks like a Christmas cracker except there’s candy inside. Here goes cherry. Oh, that’s really good! This is the orange one. Ah yeah. It’s really good too. Not as good as the cherry, though, in my opinion. Ooh this one has pretty orange paper. This is honey, which I thought sounded too good to pass up. That’s my favourite one. Oh my god, that’s good. I really like that. Edible Christmas decorations? Yeah. It’s a good idea.

source: Magyar Karácsonyi Ételek by Eileen Aldis Vlogmas

keys/megoldások: 1. beigli; 2. log; 3. traditional; 4. poppy; 5. chose; 6. puree; 7. crunch; 8. mézeskalács; 9. lightweight; 10. intricate; 11. less; 12. szaloncukor; 13. edible; 14. honey


treats csemegék
whole log egész rúd (beigli)
crunch roppanás
lightweight könnyű
to go for tetszeni
detail részlet
icing cukormáz
intricate kidolgozott
airier könnyebb
chewiness rágósság
crackers karácsonyi nagy szaloncukor
formájú ajándékok, ami felbontáskor
pukkanó hangot ad ki, papírkoronát,
édességet, viccet tartalmaz
in addition to továbbá
except kivéve
to pass up elszalasztani
edible ehető

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