Chinese restaurant owner praised for ‘extremely honest’ menu descriptions
A restaurant that describes its own food as “not good” has been praised by people on Twitter for its “extremely honest” menu – with many fans saying they’ll definitely be ordering from there.
Before taking the plunge and ordering food from a new restaurant, people will often look at the reviews.
After a quick check of TripAdvisor or Google, you’ll usually have a pretty good idea as to whether it’s worth trying.
What you don’t expect to see is the owner of the restaurant leaving their own critique, but Feigang Fei, owner of Aunt Dai in Montreal, Canada, prefers to give his customers his “extremely honest” opinions of his food right there on the menu.
The menu was shared by fan of the restaurant Kim Belair, known as @BagelofDeath on Twitter – and users have praised the owner for “keeping it real with your customers”.
Kim captioned a picture of the menu: “Aunt Dai is my favourite Chinese restaurant in Montreal, but the REAL treat is the menu, featuring extremely honest commentary from the owner.”
The dishes in her tweet include the Orange Beef, which is apparently “not THAT good”, compared to the restaurant’s General Tao Chicken.
The owner also revealed that he’s “not a fan” of the Sweet and Spicy Pork Strips because it’s different from the version he used to eat at university in China.
“Ingredient: pork, wood ear, bamboo shoots, green peppers, red peppers
Owner’s words:
This is the number one choice dish ordered by Chinese customers across whole China according to an Internet survey and I totally believe that. When I was China and went to a restaurant, I always ordered this dish. It’s so popular that it has so many different versions in China. Since I have high expection (expectation) on this dish, I am not a huge fan for (fan of) our version to be honest. But don’t get me wrong, the plate at our restaurant is very tasty too, it’s just different from those where I went to university.”
Discussing the Satay Sauce Beef, he wrote: “This is new on our menu, I did not have a chance to try this one yet.
“According to a lot of customers, this one is very popular, I still don’t have a chance to taste it. Looks like I should spend more time eating in my own restaurant.”
While the Mouth-Watering Chicken was “very well known, and we are not 100% satisfied with the flavour now and it will get better really soon.” He instead recommends the Sichuan Pepper Chicken Salad.
Talking about his potato stir fry-style dish, he said: “This plate will show you how Chinese cuisine can do with our beloved potato.
“This potato julienne dish is very very popular in China – let’s salute potato!”
Since being posted, the Tweet has received more than 73,000 likes, 12,100 retweets and hundreds of comments from fellow social media users who praised his honesty.
One person said: “I LOVE this.” Another added: “This is dope. Some restaurants have a lot of trap items on their menu. Gotta keep it real with your customers.” “I love the Orange Beef critique!” added a third.
source (article, picture): Mirror, BagelofDeath/Twitter
Összegyűjtöttünk néhány főzéssel kapcsolatos kifejezést és azok magyarázatait. Találd meg melyik magyarázat melyik kifejezéshez tartozik.
1.…… ingredients over medium heat in a small amount of sauce or broth and simmering for a short period of time until completion.
2.Par cooking (partially cooking) through quick immersion of raw ingredients in boiling water or broth sometimes followed by immersion in cold water.
3.Cooking with liquid (water or soup), covering in a tight-fitting lid until absorbed
4.Adding ingredients to cold water along with seasonings and allowing the contents to slowly come to a prolonged simmering boil.
5.Cooking by hot air through convection or broiling in an enclosed space
6.Cooking ingredients at hot oil and stirring quickly to completion. marinade ingredients in salt, soy sauce or soy pastes.
8.This technique involves marinating meat in corn starch and other ingredients before cooking.
9.Full or partial immersion cooking in hot oil or fat
10.To quickly cool a gelatine or agarose containing broth to make aspic or agar jelly
keys/megoldások: 1. braising; 2. blanching; 3. steam stewing; 4. gradual stewing; 5. roasting; 6. stir-frying; 7. marinating; 8. velveting; 9. deep-frying; 10. jellifying
to praise | dicsérni |
honest | őszinte |
to take the plunge | rászánni magát valamire |
reviews | beszámolók/ kritikák |
to be worth doing | megéri megtenni valamit |
to expect | elvárni |
treat | csemege/ ritka élvezet |
to feature | szerepeltetni |
apparently | nyilvánvalóan |
to reveal | elárulni |
strips | csíkok |
wood ear (mushroom) | Júdásfülgomba |
bamboo shoots | bambuszrügy |
survey | felmérés |
don’t get me wrong | ne érts félre |
plate | egy adag étel |
to discuss | kifejteni/ megvitatni |
mouth-watering | gusztusos |
to be satisfied with | meg van elégedve valamivel |
instead recommends | helyette ajánlja |
stir fry-style | keverve/rázva pirítva elkészítési módon |
julienne | aprítási mód, melynek során az alapanyagot gyufaszál méretű darabokra aprítják |
to salute | tisztelegni |
dope | bizalmas belső info/ ’füles’ |
trap | csapda |
Gotta (have got to) | kell valamit csinálni |
blanching | blansírozás |
braising | dinsztelés |
stewing | levére elfőzés |
jellifying | kocsonyásítás |
velveting | húspuhítás (sütés előtt rövid ideig vízben főzés) |
immersion | belemerítés |
to absorb | elnyelni |
seasonings | fűszerezések |
contents | tartalmak |
prolonged simmering | elhúzódó lassú tűzön főzés |
convection | hőkezelés légáramlás útján |
broiling | roston sütés |
enclosed | zárt |
to marinade | pácolni |
corn starch | kukorica keményítő |
agarose | agar agar (szilárd formában, növényi zselésítő) |
broth | zöldséges húsleves |