Képleírás a nyelvvizsgán – Eating ice-cream

Az alábbi feladattal a nyelvvizsgák képleírás részére készülhetsz fel alap-, közép-, és felsőfokon! 

Képek általában minden vizsgán szerepelnek. De mit kellene, és mit lehet mondani róluk? Rovatunkban ehhez szeretnénk segítséget nyújtani úgy, hogy bemutatjuk, ugyanarról a képről mind a három fokon lehet beszélni. Természetesen csak ötleteket adunk, amit mindenki kiegészíthet még a sajátjaival. Ugyanakkor azoknak a nyelvtanulóknak is szeretnénk hasznos olvasnivalót kínálni az egy-egy téma szókincsébe való betekintéssel, akik nem készülnek vizsgára, akármilyen szinten tartanak is. Erre a hónapra az utazást és a mobiltelefon használatát választottuk témának.


Alapfok – B1

In the picture we can see two children, a boy and a girl. They are eating ice cream. The ice cream the boy is eating is probably vanilla ice cream and the girl is eating chocolate ice cream. They are wearing light clothes because it’s a warm summer day. The boy is wearing a blue-striped orange T-shirt and dark blue sunglasses. The girl is wearing a dotted black sleeveless T-shirt or dress, pink sunglasses and a pink hat. They both look very cool. The boy is licking the ice cream from the ice cream cone.

In summer people eat a lot of ice cream in the hot weather. Especially children like it. It’s a special summer treat. The most popular ice cream flavours are vanilla, chocolate and strawberry, but fruit flavours are also various and very delicious. Confectionaries usually sell ice cream scoops. In shops ice cream is available in boxes and in the form of popsicles.

My favourite ice cream flavours are the caramel and the lemon and I eat ice cream almost every day in summer. I like it so much that there is always a box of ice cream in my freezer even in winter.

Középfok – B2

It’s a happy summer picture with two children having fun in the sun. They are eating ice cream from an ice cream cone. They’re wearing sunglasses, the boy’s are blue, which is a typically boyish colour while the girl’s are pink which is a typically girlish colour. They’re happily licking the ice cream and they’re having a good time. Maybe they’re on holiday near the sea and it’s easier to survive the heat with a cold ice cream.

Summer is a typical period for having fun. There’s no school and children have a lot of time to do whatever they like to do without the stress of having to do their homework. They go to summer camps, to a swimming pool or a beach or on a family vacation. Ice cream is usually part of the fun. It is available in lots of flavours and shades of colour in every colour of the rainbow. The ice cream stall is beautifully colourful and catches the eye. Ice cream is very tasty and nutritious, but you’d better not eat too much of it as it contains lots of sugar and carbohydrates. It’s difficult to resist the temptation, but if you don’t want to put on too much weight by the end of summer, try to be moderate and don’t consume ice cream every day.

The children in the picture are cute and they’re nicely dressed. In summer people wear light clothes, short-sleeved T-shirts, shirts or blouses, shorts or short dresses. The streets are full of vivid colours, music and sounds and pleasant smells. Daytime is long and people enjoy being outdoors. It’s usually difficult to send children to bed at their regular bedtime. They’re unwilling to go to sleep as dark comes late and there’s so much to do. If they have the chance to sleep late in the morning parents should be less strict with the rules in the summer months and let the children have more freedom in what they prefer to do, so that they can enjoy their vacation time.

Felsőfok – C1

Two kids eating ice cream and looking snug and satisfied. It’s a typical summer picture depicting what a carefree and happy period summer is if the circumstances are ideal. Unfortunately it’s not true for most of the parents who have school-age children. While during school time there’s day care and children can stay in school for the most part of the day, in summer there’s no school and it’s not an easy task to find and provide meaningful activities for the kids. Children under a certain age cannot stay at home unattended and the parents usually can’t take the whole summer off to be able to take care of their children. Of course there’re numerous summer camps offering all sorts of possibilities for the kids to spend their time in a useful way from English or sports camps to various arts or very fascinatingly themed camps. They can be very tempting, but they’re usually so pricey that few parents can afford to send the kids to camps for the whole summer. And even if they have the means for it, it might not be the ideal solution, because after a certain period of time children start missing their parents and cry a lot because of being homesick.

In the past lots of children spent the summers with their grandparents in the country. Nowadays when most grandparents still work it’s not a solution. So what is a solution then? It’s not an easy question to answer. Upper primary age children are usually old enough to spend the day at home without their parents. It’s a digital age where everything or everybody is just a cell phone call away and most of the problems can be solved through a phone call. It’s a huge advantage but the digital age has its numerous drawbacks, too. There’s almost no household without at least one computer and the computer poses an irresistible temptation for the kids. They can spend limitless hours with online games or on social media platforms without even realising how much time has passed and it’s not without danger. When there’s no better solution and they’re left alone at home for the day they should be given certain tasks to perform. For example, reading a chapter of a book or colouring some pages in a grown-up colouring book. Doing household chores won’t hurt either, they’re probably capable of preparing simple meals or doing the cleaning in their room.  Ingenious parents can make the tasks seem as if they were a game and the reward can be some ice cream in the kids’ favourite ice cream parlour or confectionary in the evening to make the kids as happy as this young girl and boy are in the picture.

Vizsgáztatói tippek:

–        Készülj fel előre, hogy tudj általánosságban beszélni a főbb témákról, legyenek előre átgondolt mondatait, kifejezéseid, amiket aktívan, kapásból használni tudsz.

–        A képen látható konkrét dolgok leírása, kommentálása után áttérhetsz ezekre az általánosságokra is.

–        Ugyanígy arra is előre felkészülhetsz, hogy az egyes témák milyen élményeidet, tapasztalataidat juttatják eszedbe. 


light clothes

könnyű ruházat







to lick


ice cream cone












ice cream scoop



pálcikás jégkrém



to survive






shade of colour


ice cream stall

fagyipult, fagyiárus

to catch the eye

vonzza a szemet





to resist the temptation

ellenállni a kísértésnek



to consume






to be snug

jól/kellemesen érezni magát

to depict




meaningful activity

értelmes tevékenység


felügyelet nélkül hagyott




valamilyen tematikájú




drága, sokba kerülő

to be homesick

honvágya van

upper primary age child

felső tagozatos gyerek





limitless hours

végtelen órák





ice cream parlour


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