Furcsa Hobbik: Építsünk kiborgot! – szókincs, videó és hallás utáni szövegértés

Hétköznapi tárgyakból épít különleges kiborgokat – emberi testre épített gépi ’implantátumokat’ szabadidejében a videóban látható férfi. Érdekes művészetéről tudhattok meg többet a videóban.

In One Man’s Trash, Brooklyn performance artist, Peter Kokis transforms 100 percent recycled materials—oftentimes salvaged from the trash intro cyborgs. He builds the 170-pound robot costumes on his kitchen table. When he’s done, Kokis parades through the streets, a veritable Transformer among mortals.

From the Filmmakers, Alex Craig & Aaron Craig:

“We met Peter of Brooklyn RobotWorks years ago. We hired him as a robot to act in a commercial for us. At the time, we thought he just bought the suits, or made them out of 3d printers. It wasn’t until after filming the commercial that he pointed out the plunger and soap bottle that he repurposed for his suit. Fast forward a few years, we tracked him down and convinced him to let us into his life and make this short documentary. It wasn’t until then that we found out just how insanely dedicated he is to this crazy art form.”

A videó megnézése után válaszolj a videóban elhangzott információk alapján a következő kérdésekre.

  1. Why does his art provide an ’active experience’?
  2. When and how did this hobby start?
  3. Why is every creature very close to him?
  4. How heavy are his exoskeletons?
  5. What does he use as material to build his exoskeletons?
  6. What does he look for?

source (video and picture): Transforming Trash into Cyborgs, One Man’s Trash; 60 Second Docs, Youtube

keys/megoldások: 1. Because he brings his art to life by taking it out in public and interacting with the environment, and with people.; 2. It started from a joke to his girlfriend 10 years ago.; 3. Because he builds them on his own kitchen table and his creatures/robots take over most of his living space.; 4. They are from 140 to over 170 pounds.; 5. everyday household items/everyday objects he sees complexity in and see their potential to portray something else 6.  He looks for visual complexity, the more mechanical something looks, the more he can use it in one of his robots.


to salvage megmenteni/kimenteni
veritable valóságos/hiteles
mortals halandók
to point out rámutatni valamire
plunger WC pumpa
to repurpose más célra újrahasználni
to track down lenyomozni
to convince meggyőzni
insanely dedicated őrülten elkötelezett
to get into belekezdeni ebbe a szokásba
as opposed to valamivel ellentétben
sculptor szobrász
to bring sg to life életre kelteni/
quirky music szokatlan zene
exoskeleton külső váz/
külső csontváz
strainer szűrő
how the hack …. hogyan sikerül…

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