All in the future – Gyakoroljuk a jövő időt!


Egy kis feladat a jövő idő összes formájának a gyakorlására! 

Choose the right answer:

1) If they don’t hurry up they ………. the train.
a) shall miss
b) will be missing
c) will miss

2) They’ve been planning this trip for months. They ………. on Sunday.
a) will leave
b) will have left
c) are leaving

3) Do you know what time the bus ………. tomorrow?
a) leaves
b) is leaving
c) will leave

4) At this time next week I ………. in the ocean.
a) will be swimming
b) will swim
c) am going to swim

5) I think she ………. very happy to see both of us.
a) is going to be
b) will be
c) will have been

6) By this time tomorrow they ………. in India.
a) will be arriving
b) are going to arrive
c) will have arrived

7) If you don’t cut back on sweets you ………. a lot of weight.
a) you are going to put on
b) will put on
c) will be putting on

8) I ……….. Jim on Monday at 2pm at that new restaurant.
a) will meet
b) am going to meet
c) am meeting

9) Sorry, but I ………. to make it to your party.
a) am not going to be able
b) can’t
c) won’t able

10) By this time next year she ………. in Los Angeles for five years.
a) will be living
b) is going to live
c) will have been living

Answers: 1) c, 2) c, 3) a, 4) a, 5) b, 6) c, 7) a, 8) c, 9) a, 10) c

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