Rövid összefoglaló a prepozíciók helyes használatáról!
– months, seasons (hónapok, évszakok): in January, in winter
– years, decades, centuries (évek, évtizedek, évszázadok): in 2015, in the 1990s, in the 21st century
– periods of the day (napszakok): in the morning, in the evening, in the afternoon
De: at night
– after a certain period (bizonyos idő múlva): in two hours, in a few minutes – két óra múlva, néhány perc múlva
– in the Easter holiday, in the Christmas holiday
És: in a car, in a taxi, in a helicopter, in a boat, in a lift, in the newspaper, in the sky, in Downing Street, in a row
– days of the week (a hét napjai): on Sunday, on Tuesday, on Saturday morning, on Thursday night, on a Sunday morning
– calendar dates (dátumok): on 15th, on 15th September, on 15th September 2015
– special days (különleges napok): on my birthday, on our wedding anniversary, on Easter Monday, on Christmas Day
– on a cold day
És: on a bus, on a train, on a plane, on a ship, on a bicycle, on a motorbike, on a horse, on an elephant, on the radio, on television, on the left, on the right, on the way
– night: at night
– weekend: at the weekend
De mondhatjuk így is: on the weekend
– expressing exact time (óra kifejezése): at 8 o’clock, at 19.30
– at Christmas, at Easter
– at noon, at midnight
– at lunch time, at dinner
– at that time
És: at home, at work, at school, at university, at college, at the top, at the bottom, at the side, at reception
In? On? At? Fordítsd le a kifejezéseket!
1. Húsvét hétfőn
2. 3 óra múlva
3. karácsonykor
4. a huszonegyedik században
5. a rádióban
6. éjszaka
7. balra
8. délben
9. az égen
10. a születésnapomon
1. on Easter Monday
2. in three hours
3. at Christmas
4. in the 21st century
5. on the radio
6. at night
7. on the left
8. at noon
9. in the sky
10. on my birthday