Simply Past:)


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Fill in the gaps with the verbs in Past Simple Tense. (Tricky: some verbs fit into more than one sentence!)

a) took
b) made
c) did
d) saw
e) gave
f) went
g) ate
h) lived
i) found
j) had

1) I ………. these photographs last week at his birthday party.
2) My sons ………. me a beautiful necklace for my birthday.
3) We ………. that movie last night.
4) He ………. to the supermarket to buy some wine for tonight.
5) I ………. a whole pizza by myself and now I feel sick.
6) They ………. in America for ten years.
7) I ………. scrambled eggs for breakfast this morning.
8) We ………. a great time in Prague last weekend.
9) She ………. her homework before going out to play.
10) He ………. an old box full of my grandmother’s love letters.

Answers: 1) a, 2, e, 3) d, 4) f, 5) g, 6) h, 7) b, 8) j, 9) c, 10) i

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