Tóth Krisztián bronzérmes! Gratulálunk!- szókincs

Tóth Krisztián a cselgáncsozók 90 kg-os mezőnyében olimpiai bronzérmet nyert!

Judoka Tóth Grabs Hungary’s 500th Olympic Medal

Hungary’s Krisztián Tóth added an Olympic medal to his collection, claiming the bronze after beating Mikhail Igolnikov of the Russian team in the bronze final in the men’s -90 category.

Although the Hungarian was defeated in the quarterfinal by German, Eduard Trippe, he still had a second chance for the medal in the repechage. After beating his Dutch opponent there, he was due to go up against Igolnikov, a two-time European champion, who Tóth hadn’t been able to overcome before. However, the match went into overtime, at which point the Russian apparently ran out of fuel, which Tóth was able to take advantage of.

This is certainly the 27-year-old athlete’s biggest feat in his career so far, although previously he won a silver and a bronze in the World Championships, and one silver and two bronzes in the European Championships.

“This is indescribable! I don’t know how it all happened, the whole day was a total catharsis, and I don’t want this day to end. The whole job came together in this day. I have been training constantly, I set myself a goal to have that damn Olympic medal in my collection! I’m so happy, so grateful to everyone who helped me,” he said after the third place final.

This is already the third medal Hungarian athletes won on Wednesday. Tóth’s bronze is also Hungary’s 500th medal at the Olympics.

source (article; pictures): Hungary Today; m4sport


to claim the bronze igényt tartani a bronzéremre
to defeat legyőzni
quarterfinal negyeddöntő
repechage vigaszág
opponent ellenfél
to be due to várható/esedékes
to overcome legyőzni
overtime hosszabbítás
apparently láthatóan
to run out of fuel kifogyni az
to take advantage of kihasználni
feat hőstett
previously előzőleg
indescribable leírhatatlan
constantly állandóan
to set a goal célt kitűzni
grateful hálás

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