A 10 legkülönlegesebb templom a nagyvilágban

A következő összeállításban a világ 10 legkülönlegesebb templomáról olvashatsz érdekességeket.

Typically, when you hear the term ’church’, you picture a traditional, imposing old structure. However, modern life and modern design have produced a number of unusual and eccentric buildings that don’t even resemble churches but nonetheless provide a home to believers. We’ve picked 10 of them that we liked the best.

Cathedral of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil

This magnificent structure is a Roman Catholic church. The cathedral, which was created by Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer, is a hyperbolic construction made of sixteen 90-ton concrete columns. In the Cathedral’s square entrance, the four Evangelists are represented by four 3-meter-tall bronze sculptures. Outside the cathedral, to the right of the entrance, is a bell tower that stands 20 meters high and houses four large bells. A pillar containing sections from the life of Mary, Jesus’ mother, is located at the entryway. The cathedral roof is surrounded by a 12-meter-wide, 40-centimetre-deep reflecting pool, which aids in cooling the structure. When entering the cathedral through a dim tunnel and exiting into a bright area with a glass roof, visitors pass beneath this pool. There is room for up to 4,000 people in the church.

Hallgrimskirkja, Reykjavik, Iceland

One of the most well-known landmarks in Iceland’s capital, Reykjavik, is the Lutheran parish church. It bears the name Hallgrmur Pétursson after the Icelandic poet and cleric. It was designed to resemble the basalt lava flows in particular the columnar basalt ‘organ pipe’ formations which are so common in Iceland’s landscape. The tower of the church reaches 74.5 metres high, and it is also used as an observation tower of Reykjavik and the surrounding mountains. An elevator takes the visitors up to the observation deck. The church houses two large pipe organs.

Donau City Church, Vienna, Austria

The Donau City Church (Donaucity Kirche), also known as Christus, Hoffnung der Welt (Christ, Hope of the World), is a Roman Catholic parish church designed by Heinz Tesar and was inaugurated in 2000. The metal panelling on the outside of the structure has small, round windows covering the entire exterior, creating a striking, star-like effect when sunlight shines in. Some claim that the impact gives the feeling of being inside a well-lit submarine. The church’s inside is lined with birch wood, and it is decorated with powerful representations of Jesus and the Resurrection as well as other symbolic patterns.

San Francisco de Asís, Taos, New Mexico, United States

San Francisco de Asís is an 18th-century adobe National Historic Landmark and it is an active Roman Catholic church. It is constructed of mud and straw sun-dried adobe bricks. It is one of the few remaining original buildings in Taos. This earthen temple of God has twin bell towers, an arched portal entrance, hand-hewn ceiling beams hand-carved corbels, and a choir loft. There are eight oil paintings set within a hand-carved or hand-painted Altar Screen. Because of its imposing form and sculpted body, the church is a favourite subject for artists.

Las Lajas Sanctuary, Colombia

This Roman Catholic Basilica was constructed in a rather unusual setting: the Guáitara River Canyon. It rises 100 meters above the canyon’s floor and is connected to the other side of the canyon by a bridge. The roof of Las Lajas Sanctuary resembles a Catholic cross from above, and the entrance to the church is located about 46 meters above the canyon. The church was constructed in Gothic style and features spires, buttresses, and a vaulted ceiling. The church’s interior is white with gold decorations. The Virgin Mary allegedly appeared to a woman and her deaf-mute daughter in 1754 at the location of the current church, according to popular belief.

A cikk folytatását a nyomtatott 5 Perc Angol Magazin 2023 januári számában találod meg! 

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imposing tiszteletet parancsoló, impozáns
to resemble emlékeztetni
nonetheless mindazonáltal
concrete beton
bell tower harangtorony
pillar oszlop
reflecting pool tükörmedence
cleric pap, vallási vezető
organ pipe orgonasíp
observation tower kilátótorony
elevator lift
parish church plébániatemplom
to inaugurate felavatni
exterior külső
well-lit jól megvilágított
submarine tengeralattjáró
birch wood nyírfa
resurrection feltámadás
adobe vályog
mud sár
straw szalma
earthen földből készült
arched boltíves
hand-hewn kézzel faragott
ceiling beam mennyezeti gerenda
hand-carved kézzel faragott
corbel gyámfa
cross kereszt
spire torony
buttress pillér
vaulted boltozatos
allegedly állítólag
deaf-mute süketnéma

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