The Key To Weight Loss Could Be Breathing


Rövid olvasás-értési feladat egészség és fitnesz témakörben. 

The Key To Weight Loss Could Be Breathing


Researchers in Australia have discovered that breathing is a big factor in determining how quickly weight loss happens. 

In short and at large, fat gets exhaled, so breathing facilitates shedding pounds. 

Of course, there are a number of details that prevent the process from actually being that simple.

Their results were recently published in the British Medical Journal. 

The scientists began their study by getting to the bottom of what happens to fat. 

They found that the bulky matter is composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. 

In order for it to leave the body, its atoms must regroup to become something that can be readily purged, like a gas or a liquid. 

After 4 months they arrived at the conclusion that 84 percent of a fat molecule is breathed out as carbon dioxide, and the remaining 16 percent departs as a fluid.

The problem is that it’s not a self-contained process, and the body needs extra oxygen – or breaths – to pull it off. 

As a person can only breathe so much while sitting around, simply doing so is still not much of a diet plan. 

That’s where exercise comes in, as it often tends to in such matters, as it accelerates the rate of respiration and thus, fat loss.

source: GeoBeats News

Find the words in the text that mean the same.


1. to help

2. to do something successfully

3. to make something faster

4. to breath out

5. to clean

6. to control

7. to lose

8. to examine thoroughly

9. in general

10. not needing any outside help




1. to facilitate

2. to pull it off

3. to accelerate

4. to exhale

5. to purge

6. to determine

7. to shed

8. to get to the bottom

9. at large

10. self-contained


weight loss



lélegzés, légzés



to determine


at large


to exhale


to facilitate

megkönnyíteni, elősegíteni

to shed

elveszíteni, lerázni

to get to the bottom of something

megvizsgálni valaminek az alapjait


nagy terjedelmű, vastag



in order for

valaminek az érdekében

to purge

kitisztítani, megtisztítani

carbon dioxide




self-contained process

magától végbemenő folyamat

pull something off

sikerre vinni valamit

to tend to

hajlamos valamire, szokott

to accelerate


rate of respiration


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