Szabad a gazda … de már nem sokáig!


A német gazda nem is gondolta, hogy ennyien jelentkeznek a hirdetésére, amelyben feleséget keres! 

‘I can’t get any work done’: German farmer inundated with offers after advertising for a wife

Roland Geiger has been inundated with offers after he hung a sign outside his farm in Freiburg indicating he was looking for a better half. A German farmer admits he "can’t get any work done" after his advert for a wife has seen his phone ring off the hook.

At first his sign, which read: "Farmer without any animals is looking for a wife," didn’t receive much attention.

But since he was featured in a local newspaper report the amount of applications have gone through the roof. So much so in fact that he has confirmed he is now only intending to consider the younger women who apply. Geiger owns 20 hectares of land, several tractors and his own farmhouse. But he has been unable to look after it in recent times, such has been the response to his ad.

"I have been kept so busy with these applications that I can’t get any work done,"he said.

source: Mirror

to be inundated with– elárasztva lenni valamivel
offer – ajánlat
advertising – hirdetés
to hang a sign – kiakasztani egy táblát
to indicate – jelezni, jelölni
better half – házastárs, feleség
to get work done – elvégezni a munkát
advert – hirdetés
off the hook – itt: irányíthatatlanul, nagyon nagy mértékben (demand or activity that it is beyond normal conditions)
to receive attention – figyelmet kapni
to be featured – szerepeltetve lenni
application – jelentkezés
to confirm – megerősíteni, jóváhagyni
to intend – szándékozni
to be unable to – képtelennek lenni valamre
to look after – gondoskodni
response – választ
to be kept busy – elfoglalva lenni

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