Robbie Williams-ről életrajzi film készül – filmes szókincs

Robbie Williams életéről szóló filmet Michael Gracey fogja rendezni, aki a sztár életét kivételes módon akarja ábrázolni.

Robbie Williams biopic in the works from ‘The Greatest Showman’ director: ‘The approach is top secret’

Director Michael Gracey wants to represent the pop star’s story ‘in its harsh reality all the way to these moments of pure fantasy’.

Robbie Williams will be the subject of a new biopic from ‘The Greatest Showman’ director Michael Gracey, it has been reported. According to Deadline, Gracey will tell the coming-of-age story of Williams, who first rose to fame aged 16 as a singer with boyband Take That and then as a solo artist.

The publication said it was “clear the filmmaker is planning something exceptional here”.

Gracey wrote the script with Oliver Cole and Simon Gleeson, both of whom are making their screenwriting debuts.

The film idea came from hours’ worth of conversation with Williams, which began after ‘The Greatest Showman’ was released.

As for how we represent Robbie in the film, that bit is top secret,” Gracey said. “I want to do this in a really original way. I remember going to the cinema as a kid and there were films that blew me away and made me say as I sat there in the cinema, ‘I’ve never seen this before.’

“I just want the audience to have that feeling. It’s so important when they watch this story, and look at the screen, that they literally think, I’ve never seen this before. All I can say is the approach is top secret, but the goal is to generate that feeling I just described. It’s this fantastical story, and I want to represent it in its harsh reality all the way to these moments of pure fantasy.”

It sounds possible, then, that the film will differ at least slightly from the numerous other musician biopics to be released in recent years, including ‘Rocketman’, about Elton John, and ‘Bohemian Rhapsody’ (Freddie Mercury).

Williams will apparently re-record his hit songs, which include “Angels”, “Feel” and “Rock DJ”, to be featured in the film.

Gracey said he was drawn to Williams’ story because he did not grow up as a prodigy or musical genius.

Production is expected to begin this summer.

source (article, test, pictures): The Independent; EngVid; Time for Change official video, Robbie Williams, Youtube

A következő szókincs teszt a filmek világába repít minket. Válaszd ki a három opcióból a helyes megoldást.


biopic életrajzi film
approach megközelítés
harsh reality nyers/kíméletlen valóság
pure fantasy merő fantázia
subject alany
coming-of-age felnőtté válás
to rise to fame híressé válni
boyband fiúzenekar
clear egyértelműen
exceptional rendkívüli
script forgatókönyv
debuts bemutatkozások
to release megjelentetni
to blow sy away nagy hatással lenni valakire
audience közönség
screen képernyő/mozivászon
literally szó szerint
to generate előidézni/okozni
to differ slightly from kicsit különbözni valamitől
to feature megmutatni/szerepeltetni
to draw to vonzódni valamihez
prodigy csodagyerek/zseni
bromance testvéri barátság (férfié)
chick flick csajos film (nőknek vonzó témájú film)
A-list a showbusinessben legjobban keresett személyek valódi/képzeletbeli listája
cameo vendégszereplés/kisebb szerep filmben
boner baklövés/melléfogás
prequel előzmény (filmé/történeté)
sequel folytatás (filmé)
That’s a wrap ..és vége! (filmforgatás végén)
box office success/hit kasszasiker
MUA (Make Up Artist) sminkmester
cut snitt/vágás (filmnél)
mockumentary vicces dokumentumfilm kitalált/nemlétező dologról

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