5 Perc Angol: Puli a Holdon – olvasott szöveg értése

Magyar puli kereshet vizet a holdon? Az új, magyar fejlesztésű, díjnyertes technológiával hamarosan ez is bekövetkezhet. Magyar fejlesztési sikerekről olvashattok a következő rövid, de érdekes cikkben.

A “Hungarian dog” will search for water on the Moon

Instead of our furry friends, brand-new space technology will be launched to visit the Moon in 2023. The device, developed by Hungarian company Puli Space Technologies and named after the beloved Hungarian breed, is a water detection device. Its name is Puli Lunar Water Snooper, following the developers’ theme of black shepherd dogs.

As hellomagyar.hu reported, the whole story began in 2020, with a competition NASA held for companies to develop miniature devices easily usable on the Moon. They named the competition ‘Honey, I Shrunk the NASA Payload’. The funny name is quite indicative: the project needed devices that are small, light and very portable. These are all key concepts in space travel. Out of 29 countries, 132 entries were made. They were all concepts of miniature scientific devices that can help monitor the lunar environment and explore resources.

But what exactly is this “dog”?

The Puli Lunar Water Snooper, also known as PLWS, is a 10x10x3.4 cm sized device. This tiny, rather portable box is a water detector. It only weighs about 400g, but it is able to detect hydrogen and hydrogen-containing volatile matter, like ice. NASA has stated before that there is a lot of ice on the poles of the Moon. This is the goal of this project, to find and utilize that water to help astronauts with their supply.

The Puli Lunar Water Snooper came in first place in the first round of this competition in the summer of 2020, taking home a grand prize worth USD 30,000. The next round of the competition was to prove to NASA that their project can be done in a year with a detailed plan. Out of the ten teams entering, this time, the PLWS finished in the still impressive second place. The developing team had proven themselves, and this way, in the next mission, a PLWS will truly snoop for water on the Moon.

Now, PLWS prepares for its journey to the Moon where it will work in radical conditions. Its area of interest will be the Moon’s “always shaded” parts where it is usually around -200°C.

source: Daily News Hungary

Válaszolj a következő kérdésekre a szöveg alapján.

1.What was the water detection device named after?

2.What devices did the NASA competition require?

3.What can this tiny device discover?

4.What happened in the summer of 2020?

5.What working conditions will this tiny device have to work in?


  1. It was named after the beloved Hungarian breed and it following the developers’ theme of black shepherd dogs.
  2. The project needed devices that are small, light and very portable.
  3. It can detect hydrogen and hydrogen-containing volatile matter.
  4. The Puli Lunar Water Snooper came in first place in the first round of this competition, taking home a grand prize worth USD 30,000.
  5. It will have to work in radical conditions: in the ‘always shaded’ parts of the Moon where the temperature is usually around -200°C


instead of valami helyett
furry friends szőrös/bundás barátok
brand-new vadonatúj
to launch kilőni/útjára bocsátani
device eszköz
breed fajta
water detection vizet kimutató/érzékelő eszköz
Snooper szaglászó/kiszagoló
shepherd dogs terelőpulik/pásztorkutyák
competition verseny
Shrunk Payload (to shrink-shrank-shrunk) összement rakomány/hasznos teher
indicative jelzésértékű/tájékoztató jellegű
portable hordozható
concepts elképzelések
entries nevezések
to monitor ellenőrizni/megfigyelni
lunar holddal kapcsolatos
resources természeti kincsek
tiny detector aprócska
volatile matter illékony/változékony
to utilize hasznosítani
supply ellátás/készlet/utánpótlás
to prove igazolni/bizonyítani
detailed plan részletesen kidolgozott terv
to enter benevezni (versenybe)
impressive lenyűgöző
mission küldetés/feladat
radical conditions szélsőséges körülmények
shaded árnyékos

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