Téliesítették Prince Harryt


Madame Tussauds már át is alakította a viaszfigurát az időjárási viszonyoknak megfelelően. 

Prince Harry wax figure has an icy makeover, Madame Tussauds

Madame Tussauds has paid tribute to Prince Harry’s participation in a charity trek to the South Pole by giving his wax figure an icy make-over. Visitors will get a preview of what the ‘action man’ Prince will look like kitted out to combat the sub-zero temperatures he and fellow expedition members will encounter on the 208 mile (335 km) Walking with the Wounded South Pole Allied Challenge, which kicks off on Sunday.

The wardrobe team at the London attraction will dress Prince Harry, who is the expedition’s patron, in exactly the same gear the team will wear on their trek donated by Helly Hansen. Madame Tussauds artists will use special colouring effects to ‘ice’ his eyelashes and hairline – mirroring how he will look in the face of -50C temperatures, snowstorms and glaciers over the four week challenge.

Guests will be invited to make donations to help kick-start the fundraising campaign, which aims to generate £2 million for the re-training of wounded ex-servicemen and women.

to pay tribute – tiszteletét fejezi ki
participation – részvétel
trek – túra, út
wax – viasz
make-over – átváltoztatás, átalakítás
preview – előzetes
to be kitted out – felszereléssel ellátott
to combat – harcolni
sub-zero temperature – mínusz fokok
to encounter – találkozni, szembe kerülni valamivel
wounded – sebesült
to kick off – elindítani, elkezdeni
patron – védnök
gear – felszerelés
to donate – adományozni
glacier – gleccser
to kick-start – beindítani, elindítani valamit, berúgni (motort)
fundraising campaign – adománygyűjtő kampány
ex-serviceman – volt katona

Match the synonyms.

1. to kick off

a) sponsor

2. to encounter

b) to start

3. patron

c) to show respect

4. serviceman

d) to meet

5. to pay tribute

e) soldier

answers: 1-b 2-d 3-a 4-e 5-c

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