Poster Boy – A plakátfiú


A következő beszélgetésből mindent megtudhatsz Badits Marcell híres plakátgyűjtményéről, ráadásul angolul! Az interjút Sebestyén Gábor kollégánk készítette nektek. 

“Cinema is a matter of what’s in the frame and what’s out.” 
― Martin Scorsese

It was a gloomy Friday in February when I first met Marcell aka “the Poster Boy”. The weather was wet, cold and I had driven long enough in the bustling capital to be completely frustrated by the traffic. I managed to arrive right on time at our meeting, which was surprising due to the hectic day I had had. I was just before my last end-term exam and was honestly more concerned about the allies of Britain in WWII, than gaining any kind of artistic experience. I thought it was impossible to change my mood on that dull February Friday. Oh, how wrong I was. Sometimes you feel that everything is all right. You do not know why, but you just feel it. Even if you are going to fail a History exam in the afternoon. It does not matter anymore.

The man was easy to recognise, despite the massive crowd of the underground station. He was very specific about his outfit. He said he would be wearing a garbageman-orange coat and so he was. We greeted each other and we headed to the nearest café suitable for our plans. We took a seat at the other end of the place, where we could have some privacy. Before our conversation started, I had already been flabbergasted as I learnt that the café was a non-functional cinema from the 20th century.

When you are talking with a collector, the first question crossing your mind is rather obvious. Yet, the answers are remarkably diverse. We ordered coffee and began our conversation.

Why did you start to collect posters?

You know, 99% of my collection consists of movie posters. I was born in 1965 and we were taken to the cinema from age 8 by the school. We went to the cinema every single week. I believe that today it would still be vital to show pupils some movies. Not necessarily the old ones. To teach them about the history of film. ‘Visual education’ is crucial, you know.  In the early 70s, the cinema and the cinematic experience were very different. The television was not widely spread, and the programmes were rather limited. The role of the cinema was of utmost importance. Therefore, that may be the reason why I started to collect the posters of my childhood. As they had a great effect on me. I was emotionally attached to those movies and eventually to the posters, too.

Was there a single poster that started this obsession?

For a very long time, when I was living alone in my flat, I had the poster of a Belmondo movie, the Flic ou voyou (Cop or Hood) on my wall. I was amazed by the duality of the character. Also, the poster is a rather interesting artwork of the graphic designer, Jean Mascii. It is the real heaven for a poster-collector if both the movie and the poster are great. I still find it fascinating that all started with a single picture on my wall and now I own a collection of nearly 7000 pieces!

What makes a good poster? Is there a general truth that you could share with me?

I have my own ideas about it, but I would like to quote a person, the male member of a married couple who said that: ‘A poster has seconds to capture your attention. It has to convey information in seconds.’ We should not forget though, that back when I was a child there was much less advertising on the streets. To answer your question, I try not to get influenced by other people’s opinion. I mostly collect what I like and not what others consider good.

What is the most interesting about these artworks?

If you align someone’s artworks, you can see the development of the character. It is fascinating, I think. You can also observe the change of eras and their various artistic styles.

Is it a correct conclusion to draw, that you feel your role is to preserve something for the future generations?

I find it particularly important to raise attention to these artworks. Nowadays, there are a lot of visual stimuli everywhere and this tendency is getting worse and worse. It is necessary to save something from these artists’ heritage. However, I don’t consider myself a kind of missionary. I just want to help people and make them happy by giving them something they desire.

Why do people buy posters?

As I have previously mentioned, some people are emotionally attached to them. They generally look for meaningful pieces. Others regard them as home decoration. Which is great. They might fall in love with a piece of art, be it a mediocre documentary of a Romanian pig-farm or a modern animated movie. A poster in the right environment can be incredibly effective. It paints a very clear picture of our taste, our way of thinking and that we can respect our ancestors’ work.

Where can you buy posters?

Soon, there will be an auction that we organise with other collectors. I am really looking forward to it. Also, you can purchase a wide range of posters on the website.

Is there a modern poster that you like?

Yes, for example, the poster of the Bohemian Rhapsody. It is just perfect.

Marcell showed me the poster on his mobile and we checked many others. I could identify with his taste. We kept talking for 15-20 more minutes. I had the opportunity to ask the rest of my questions and he eagerly shared his vast knowledge with me. There was a sort of profound wisdom around him that is hard to describe. I genuinely respect people who are working for the common good. Preserving a small part of our past for future generations would be everybody’s duty. Nowadays we tend to look only ahead, showing no respect for our history and traditions. It is delightful to have some guardians of our cultural heritage.

Sebestyén Gábor írása

Látogasd meg a Plakátfiú oldalát itt.



borús, komor, szomorú


más néven



due to

valaminek köszönhetően



to be concerned about

foglalkoztatja valami




második világháború







to consist of

valamiből állni




fontos, meghatározó

widely spread

széles körben elterjedt


a lehető legnagyobb

emotionally attached

érzelmileg kötődő



to capture sy’s attention

megragadni valaki figyelmét

to conveyinformation

átvinni információt

to align


to observe






to raise attention

felhívni a figyelmet valamire

visual stimuli

vizuális ingerek


hittérítő, misszionárius

to desire

vágyakozni valamire



to regard






to identify with

azonosulni valamivel


szívesen, buzgón


nagy, hatalmas

profound wisdom

mély tudás/bölcsesség



common good




cultural heritage

kulturális örökség

Kapcsolódó anyagok