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But is there any room for clothes? Eccentric inventor builds his own electric suitcase on wheels

Dragging your suitcase through the airport or train station could become a thing of the past thanks to this new invention. Amateur inventor He Liangcai has created an electric suitcase, which not only transports your belongings, but allows the owner to sit on it and travel along at up to 19 km per hour. The reinforced suitcase, which weighs 6.8 kg, comes with a small battery and is able to carry two adults for a distance of up to 60 km on a full charge.

The piece of luggage consists of an electric scooter, which has a suitcase attached to it. The rider sits on top of the suitcase to reach over to the handlebars where the throttle, brakes and lights can be found. Mr He demonstrated how the baggage worked by riding on one of his suitcases from his home to Changsha train station in China’s central Hunan Province, around 11 kilometres away.

According to the Global Times, it took the inventor 10 years to develop the scooter, despite the fact he is a farmer by trade with little formal education. In 1999, he designed a car safety system, which earned him an award in the U.S. And when he forgot his luggage when travelling to America to collect the accolade, he came up with the idea for the suitcase.


to drag húzni, vonszolni
thanks to – valaminek köszönhetően
belongings – holmi, tulajdon
reinforced – megerősített
battery – akumulátor
on a full charge – teljesen feltöltve
electric scooter – elektromos roller
handlebars – kormány (bicikli, roller)
throttle – gázkar
to demonstrate – bemutatni
to develop – kifejleszteni
by trade – foglalkozására nézve
safety system – biztonsági rendszer
award – díj
accolade – elismerés
to come up with – előállni valamivel, kitalálni valamit

Fill in the gaps with the right words. There is one extra.


to come up with

to develop



thanks to

1. Tickets were sold out but Tom ……………….. a good idea. We went  bowling in the end.

2. Katie wasn’t injured in the crash ……………….. the seatbelt.

3. I can’t find my charger and my ……………….. is low.

4. The cyclist went over the ……………….. when he hit the fence.

5. Scientists are trying to ……………….. more eco-friendly vehicles.

answers: 1-came up with 2-thanks to 3-battery 4-handlebars 5-develop

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