Legalább 12 halottja van az Arkansason és Oklahomán végigsöpört tornádónak.
At least 12 killed as massive tornado rips through Arkansas and Oklahoma
At least 12 people have been killed after a huge tornado ripped through southern US states last night. Entire neighbourhoods have been flattened after the twister hit Arkansas and Oklahoma.
A spokesman for the Faulkner County Sheriff’s office had said there was a "mass casualty situation", and numerous injuries were reported. TV footage showed houses ripped off their foundations, with cars toppled on top of the rubble. Rescuers were digging through the rubble of ruined buildings looking for more victims, according to authorities there.
"Tonight, I walked around what was only hours earlier a thriving neighbourhood that is now gone. An entire neighbourhood of 50 or so homes has been destroyed – many homes are completely gone except the foundation," U.S. Representative Tim Griffin said. "And there is more devastation like this in other parts of Arkansas."
One person died when a tornado tore through Mayflower, 22 miles northwest of Little Rock, at about 7:30 p.m. The tornado passed through the east side of town, tearing up trees and bringing down power lines, making it difficult for the emergency services to find stricken areas in the darkness, and forcing authorities to shut down Interstate 40. "It’s extremely hazardous here right now," said Elder. "The power lines are down, roads are blocked and they will have to proceed with caution."
to rip through – letarolni
neighbourhood – szomszédság
to be flattened – kilapítják, itt tönkreteszik
casualty – sérült, sebesült, veszteség
numerous – számos
foundation – alap
rubble – törmelék
to dig – ásni
according to – szerint
authorities – hatóságok
thriving – virágzó, sikeres
to be destroyed – elpusztítják
devastation – pusztulás
to tear through – átvágtatni
power lines – elektromos vezetékek
stricken areas – katasztrófasujtott területek, érintett területek
hazardous – kockázatos
to proceed with caution – óvatosan eljárni
Word formation:
Verb |
Noun |
Adjective |
hazardous |
x |
thriving |
caution |
destroy |
x |
foundation |
x |
Verb |
Noun |
Adjective |
to hazard |
hazard |
hazardous |
to thrive |
x |
thriving |
to caution |
caution |
cautious |
to destroy |
destruction |
x |
to found |
foundation |
x |