A taxisnak állt norvég miniszterelnök esete


Olvasd el miért és hogyan lett a norvég miniszterelnökből taxisofőr! - cikk szószedettel és videóval  

Norway’s Prime Minister Pretends to be Taxi Driver

Norway’s prime minister says the best place to find out what people are thinking is in a taxi. So Jens Stoltenberg disguised himself as a taxi driver one day and transported passengers around Oslo.

Footagefrom the prime-minister-as-taxi-driver scheme in June was posted Sunday on a daily newspaper‘s web site and the prime minister’s Facebook page.

The stunt, planned by an advertising agency as part of Stoltenberg’s re-election campaign, was taped with hidden cameras to catch Norwegians’ views on politics and their reactions when they realized their driver was their prime minister.

The hidden cameras also caught a confession from the prime minister – he has not driven a car in eight years. One passenger was not impressed with Stoltenberg’s driving skills, saying "this driving is not exactly the best I have seen."

Stoltenberg’s Labour party is trailing in the polls against the opposition Conservatives for the September election.

prime minister – miniszterelnök
to find out – megtudni valamit
to disguise oneself – álcázni magát
to transport passengers – utasokat szállítani
footage – filmfelvétel
scheme – cselszövés, terv
daily newspaper – napilap
to be planned by – valaki által kitervelve lenni
advertising agency – reklámügynökség
re-election campaign – újraválasztási kampány
to be taped – filmszalagra véve lenni
hidden camera – rejtett kamera
view on something – valamiről alkotott nézőpont/vélemény
confession – vallomás
to be impressed – lenyűgözve lenni
driving skills – vezetési képesség
exactly – pontosan
Labour party – munkáspárt
to trail – nyomon követ, vonul
poll – szavazás
opposition – ellenzék

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