Milák Kristóf olimpiai bajnok! Gratulálunk! – szókincs, videó

Milák Kristóf új olimpiai csúccsal, 1:51.25 perces idővel, olimpiai bajnok 200 méteres pillangóúszásban és Kenderesi Tamás 1:54.52 perces idővel a negyedik helyezést érte el. Gratulálunk nekik!

Swimming Phenom Milák Wins Hungary’s Second Gold in Tokyo

Satisfying expectations and keeping his personal promises, Kristóf Milák easily won men’s 200m butterfly at the Tokyo Olympics swimming competition, bagging Hungary’s second gold medal in Japan. In addition, he also broke Michael Phelps’ Olympic record.

As the reigning World and European champion and world record holder, easily qualifying for the finals with the best time with a confident 2.5-second-advantage, not many would have bet against him.

Milák left no doubt about him easily being the world’s best in this event, and has finally been crowned Olympic champion.

He made a new Olympic record of 1:51.25, even surpassing that of US champion, Michael Phelps.

Surprisingly, after having won the Olympics, he gave an interview to sports daily Nemzeti Sport with mixed feelings.

“I was so sure that I had wasted so much energy on the pants [Milák had to change his swimming pants 10 minutes before the start] that I wasn’t going to get this world record – so I just swam… These little things, little nuances can take their toll on your swim because you lose concentration. But I’m not disappointed, that’s how it went this time. I was told that I could swim a world record in Kecskemét the day after tomorrow if I wanted to… I know that too.”

I’ve got my first gold, from here I can go on to the next, and the next, and the next. I still have things to do in this Olympics, for example to achieve a similar result in the 100 butterfly.

Tamás Kenderesi, the final’s other Hungarian swimmer, the 2016 bronze medalist of the event, came in 4th.

source (article; video and picture): Hungary Today; Men’s 200m Butterfly Final, Swimming Highlights, Olympic Games – Tokyo 2020, Eurosport, Youtube


to satisfy expectations elvárásokat kielégíteni
to keep promises ígéretet betartani
butterfly (stroke) pillangóúszás
to break Olympic record megdönteni olimpiai
reigning uralmon lévő
to qualify tovább jutni/bejutni
confident magabiztos
advantage előny
to bet against fogadni valami ellen
to surpass felülmúlni
mixed feelings vegyes érzelmek
to waste energy on energiát pazarolni valamire
pants (úszó)nadrág
nuances apróságok
to take toll on áldozatot követelni
to achieve elérni
result eredmény

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