Menj fiam borbélyhoz! – a Királynő levágatta Harry szakállát : )


A Királynő nyomatékosan megkérte unokáját, hogy szabaduljon meg arcszőrzetétől. Nektek tetszett Harry szakálla? :)

Queen ‘orders Prince Harry to shave off his beard because she intensely dislikes facial hair’

Harry grew the full face of hair while on his Walking With The Wounded charity trek to the South Pole last month and has avoided razors since.

The Queen has ordered Prince Harry to shave off his beard because she "intensely dislikes" facial hair, according to reports. Her grandson grew theimpressive mane last month while on his Walking With The Wounded trek to the South Pole. A Royal insider told the Daily Express: “The rest of the family liked it and were taking the mickey, especially his cousin Zara who dubbed him ‘Prince Hairy’."

According to the paper, servants are asked to keep clean shaven and the Queen therefore wants Harry to set an example. He returned in time for Christmas at Sandringham and reportedly wanted to keep his whiskers until girlfriend Cressida Bonas could see them. The insider said: “The Queen soon let her displeasure be known. She doesn’t mind royal men growing beards when they are away in the Armed Forces or out in the wilds like Harry was in the Antarctic, but she expects them to be clean-shaven when they get home."

And added: “Harry doesn’t like to upset the Queen and will probably shave it off soon but he is still a bit of a rebel and he wasn’t going to remove it straight away."

Cressida, 24, celebrated New Year’s Eve away from Harry on Sir Richard Branson’s private Necker Island for an exclusive bash.

source: Mirror

charity– jótékonyság
trek – utazás, gyalogtúra
South Pole – Déli-sark
to avoid something – elkerülni valamit
razor – borotva
to order – rendelni, elrendelni
to shave off one’s beard – levágni a szakállat
intensely – erősen, hevesen
to dislike – nem szeretni, nem kedvelni
facial hair – arcszőrzet
according to  – valami szerint

impressive– lenyűgöző, figyelemre méltó
mane – sörény
insider – bennfentes
to take the mickey – húzni valakit valamivel, piszkálni valakit, ugratni
especially – különösképpen
to dub somebody – valakit valahogy elnevezni
hairy – szőrös
servant – szolga
to keep clean shaven – frissen borotváltnak lenni
therefore – ebből kifolyólag
to set an example – példát állítani
reportedly – a jelentések szerint, állítólag
whiskers – bajusz, szakáll, pofaszakáll
displeasure – nemtetszés, elégedetlenség
rebel – lázadó
to remove – eltávolítani
bash – összejövetel, buli

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