Meghalt a döner kebab feltalálója


Berlinben találta fel a népszerű ételt Kadir Nurman. Olvasd el a történetét! 

Doner kebab ‘inventor’ Kadir Nurman dies in Berlin

The Turkish immigrant credited with inventing the doner kebab has died in Berlin aged 80. Kadir Nurman set up a stall in West Berlin in 1972, selling grilled meat and salad inside a flat bread. He had noticed the fast pace of city life and thought busy Berliners might like a meal they could carry with them. While there are other possible "doner inventors," Mr Nurman’s contribution was recognised by the Association of Turkish Doner Manufacturers in 2011.

The combination of juicy meat, sliced from a rotating skewer, with all the trimmings and optional chilli sauce, has since become a firm fast-food favourite in Germany, and elsewhere. According to the Berlin-based Association of Turkish Doner Manufacturers in Europe, there are now 16,000 doner outlets in Germany. More than 1,000 exist in Berlin to tempt peckish late-night revellers on the capital’s streets. German companies producing the meat and the machinery for grilling supply 80% of the EU market, the BBC’s Steve Evans reports from Berlin.

Mr Nurman, who emigrated to Germany in 1960, did not patent his invention, and thus did not particularly profit from the doner’s subsequent success. But in a 2011 interview with the Frankfurter Rundschau, he expressed little bitterness. He was happy that so many Turkish people were able to make a living from doners, he said, and that millions of people ate them.

source: BBC News

immigrant – bevándorló
to be credited with – valakinek tulajdonítani valamit
stall – stand
flat bread – pita
fast pace – gyors tempó
contribution – hozzájárulás
to recognise – elismerni
rotating skewer – forgó nyárs
trimmings – köret
firm – biztos
elsewhere – máshol
outlet – egység (itt vendéglátóipari)
to tempt – megkísérteni
peckish – éhes
reveller – mulatozó
to supply – ellátni
to report – jelenteni
to emigrate – bevándorolni
to patent – szabadalmaztatni
to profit from – haszna származik valamiből
subsequent – elkövetkező
to express – kifejezni
bitterness – keserűség
to make a living – megélni valamiből 

Fill in the gaps with the right verb.

to emigrate

to profit from

to supply

to tempt

to make a living

to report


1. Our company ……………….. the most of the capital with paper cups.

2. I have two degrees but I don’t ……………….. either. I work as a taxi driver.

3. CNN ……………….. that a major storm is approaching.

4. Many people ……………….. to the USA before World War II.

5. It’s a shame people have to go abroad to ……………….. .

6. I ……………….. to eat another slice of chocolate cake but I resisted.

answers: 1-supplies 2-profit from 3-reports 4-emigrated 5-make a living 6-was tempted

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