Megéhezett a diák: a tanóra alatt sütötte meg a szendvicsét


Megéhezett az óra alatt, de nem zavartatta magát: elővette a szendvicskészítőjét és sütött egy-két melegszendvicset:) 

Student uses sandwich toaster to make hot cheese snack in middle of lecture

When hunger struck this student in the middle of a lecture he decided he had to take action. The pupil, who reportedly attends the University of West Scotland, had no qualms about whipping out a sandwich toaster to prepare a snack while still sitting in class.

A photo posted by Twitter user Ross Milne showed the man preparing some cheese for his toastie after plugging the sandwich maker in.

‘So a guy has started using a George Foreman in my lecture…’, he wrote.

Another snap showed the man cutting into his snack, while a surprised student looked on. He also had a bottle of ketchup on his desk to make his treat even tastier.

sandwich toaster – szendvicssütő       
George Foreman – híres szendvicssütő márka, magát a sütőt is hívják így
hot cheese snack – forró, azaz olvasztott sajtos harapnivaló
lecture – előadás, általában felsőoktatásban
hunger struck – az éhség rátör (angolban szó szerint: lecsap az éhség)
to take action – akcióba lép, tesz valamit ellene
pupil – tanuló
have no qualms – nem szívbajos, nincs rossz érzése, lelkiismeret furdalása valami miatt
whipping out, to whip sg out – előkapni, előrántani valami, pl. zsebből, táskából
to prepare a snack – elkészíteni egy kis harapnivalót
to prepare some cheese – előkészíti a sajtot
toastie – szendvics becézve, kb. szendó
to plug (the sandwich maker) in – bedugni (a szendvicssütőt) a konnektorba
snap – fotó (pl. amit a telefonnal gyorsan lekapunk)
to cut into a snack – belevág, azaz hozzákezd az ételhez
to make his treat even tastier – hogy még finomabbá tegye az ételt
treat – nagyon finom ennivaló

Vocabulary check: Fill the blanks with the following words!

snack, treat, snap, toastie

1) The point of a …… is simply to preserve a memory of a person, a place or an event.

2) A …… is a portion of food often smaller than a regular meal, generally eaten between meals.

3) We all like …… foods – chocolates, lollies, cakes, slices, potato chips etc.

4) A sandwich toaster, also known as a ……. maker, is used to make toasted sandwiches.

answers: 1-snap, 2-snack, 3-treat, 4-toastie

Grilled Cheese Sandwiches 

A sandwich standard that is wonderful on the George Foreman Grill!


  • 1-3 slices of cheese (usually gouda, limberger, or American cheese)
  • 2 slices of bread
  • butter or margarine


  1. Spread the butter or margarine on the bread.
  2. Place one piece of bread on the grill, margarine side down.
  3. Place 1-3 slices of cheese on top, and place the other slice of bread on top of the cheese, margarine side up.
  4. Grill until sandwich is nicely browned and cheese is melted. Remove from grill, cut, and serve immediately.

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