Liz Hurley és Clinton után most Obama és Beyoncé viszonyától híres a bulvársajtó


Vajon megtörtént vagy sem, az állítólagos románc? 

Beyoncé: Rumours of affair with Barack Obama are ‘absurd’

Beyoncé knows exactly how Liz Hurley feels after the actress was forced to deny she’d had a fling with Bill Clinton. The internet was buzzing with rumours of a new bout of White House romance – this time involving the Crazy In Love singer and president Barack Obama. A French paparazzo claimed the Washington Post newspaper was planning to run a story that the pair were having an affair. Pascal Rostain’s sensational allegation on the Europe 1 radio station was picked up by other French media, including the normally strait-laced Le Figaro. spokeswoman for Beyoncé dismissed the claim as ‘absurd’. Rostain, a friend of the jilted former French first lady Valérie Trierweiler, is due to have a memoir published this week.


He insisted: ‘There is something big that is happening… it’ll go out tomorrow in the Washington Post.’ Rostain went on to say the story is about ‘an alleged affair’ between Mr Obama and Beyoncé. He added: ‘I can assure you the world will be talking about it.’

Beyoncé and her rapper husband Jay Z have been friends with the Obamas for several years and she performed at Michelle Obama’s recent 50th birthday party. Washington Post spokeswoman Kris Coratti said the paper had no information other than that they remained friends. She added the paper had received a number of calls. ‘It’s kind of crazy how fast these rumours spread,’ she added. Questioned about the Obama-Beyoncé claims, Mr Rostain said they were a joke. The story came as French president François Hollande, who has actually been having an affair, travelled to the US to visit president Obama.

Last week’s Hurley-Clinton tryst was revealed to be fantasy when her former date Tom Sizemore admitted he’d made it up.

source: Metro

rumour – pletyka
affair – viszony
to be forced to do sg. – rákényszerít vmire
to deny – tagad
fling – könnyű viszony
to buzz – zizeg
new bout of sg – újabb roham, kör
involving – vkit illető
president – elnök
to claim – állít
to plan – tervez
to run a story – megjelentet egy sztorit, cikket
allegation – állítás
to pick up – itt: átvenni
including – beleértve
strait-laced – szigorú erkölcsű, komoly
spokeswoman – szóvivőnő
jilted – elhagyott
former – korábbi, előző
to be due to – várhatóan bekövetkezik
memoir – emlékirat, önéletrajz
to insist – ragaszkodik
to go on – folytat
alleged – állítólagos
to add – hozzátesz
to perform – fellép
to assure – biztosít
the Obamas –  az Obama-házaspár
to remain – marad
to receive – kap, fogad
actually – igazából
tryst – titkos légyott
to reveal – felfed
to make sg. up – kitalál vmit, füllent

Match the verbs with their definitions.

1. to assure

a) to continue in the same condition

2. to remain

b) to be firm, serious in sg

3. to reveal

c) to say it’s untrue

4. to insist

d) to inform positively, to make safe or secure

5. to deny

e) to bring to view, to show

 answers: 1-d 2-a 3-e 4-b 5-c

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