Irány Budapest! – ajánlja a brit Metro újság az olvasóinak


17 város közül Budapesten a legkedvezőbbek a hétvégi városnéző csomagok. 

Budapest is best for budget breaks: City costs a third less than other European hotspots

Heading on a city break to Budapest can cost a third less than other European hotspots. The price of a two-night trip, with hotel, sightseeing and local transport thrown in, is just £117 per couple. In contrast, a trip to Stockholm or London will be considerably pricier, at £363 and £291, respectively, the Post Office Travel Money survey showed.

Spokesman Andrew Brown said: ‘Meals and drinks are rarely included in city break packages, so it is important to check prices before booking. Over a weekend break, we found that tourists could pay four times as much for meals and drinks in Copenhagen as they would in Prague.’

The survey compared 25 cities to find the cheapest deals. Other good-value destinations included Warsaw at £132 and Prague at £136. The Czech capital also offered the cheapest food and drinks. ‘A meal for two with wine costs £22 there – half the price charged in 17 other cities,’ Mr Brown added.


to head somewhere – valamerre indul, tart
one third – egyharmada valaminek
hotspot – itt turista-attrakció
sightseeing – városnézés
per couple – két személyre (páronként)
pricy – drága
survey – felmérés
to include – beletartozik valami
city break package – városnéző csomag
to book – lefoglalni
the cheapest deal – a legolcsóbb ajánlat
destination – úticél
to add – hozzátenni vmit (beszédben, írásban)
to charge – felszámítani (költséget)

Fill in the gaps with the right word. There is one extra.


to book

to charge



to include

1. How much do you ……………….. for a week?

2. I’d like to ……………….. a table for two.

3. George went on a ……………….. trip to Paris.

4. I can’t afford a holiday in Australia. The plane ticket is really ……………….. .

5. Rome is a very popular ……………….. .

answers: 1-charge 2-book 3-sightseeing 4-pricy 5-destination

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