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Instagram Hotel Encouragges ’selfies’ and offers free stay
Shortly after the world’s first Twitter hotel opened in Mallorca, the Instagram hotel was unveiled in Sydney.
The new hotel is attempting to target travellers with social media inspired gimmicks using the photo-sharing site Instagram.
The month-old boutique 1888 Hotel in Sydney, Australia is encouraging guests to capture their stay and then share their images with friends using Instagram – providing the hotel with free publicity and boosting their profile.
A giant digital photo frame hangs in the reception area with a revolving digital mural of Instagram images, and a ‘selfie‘ space to snap a photo of yourself as you check in – the best are displayed on the hotel’s walls for others to see. More than 100 guest-shot Instagram photos adorn the five-storey hotel’s 90 rooms.
To ensure that photos of the hotel are seen by as many people as possible, guests with more than 10,000 followers on Instagram will be offered a free night’s stay.
The name, 1888, is homage to the year Kodak launched the first box and roll camera – but the boutique hotel is anything but retro.
Originally used for wool-storage, the building has undergone a $30 million development over the last two years to reveal a luxury property that offers 90 rooms, including a rooftop penthouse apartment overlooking the city surrounds.
CEO of 8Hotels, Paul Fischmann said: "1888 Hotel has such an authentic contemporary aesthetic that we thought we should embrace the fact that all modern travellers can take memories away with them using their smartphones and share their experience with friends".
shortly after – nem sokkal az után, hogy
to be unveiled – leleplezni
to attempt to – kísérletet tenni valamire
to target – megcélozni
gimmick – propagandafogás, trükk
photo-sharing – fotómegosztó
to provide – lehetővé tenni, biztosítani
to boost – fellendíteni, reklámot csinálni
frame – keret
revolving – váltakozó, visszatérő
mural – fali …/falfestmény, freskó
selfie – fotó saját magunkról
to snap – lefényképez
to be displayed – kiállítva lenni
to adorn – díszíteni, ékesíteni
five-storey – ötemeletes
to ensure – biztosítani
homage – tisztelet
anything but – minden, csak nem …
wool-storage – gyapjú tároló
to undergo something – alávetni (magát) valaminek
development – fejlesztés, fejlődés
to reveal – felfedni
property – ingatlan
rooftop – tetőtér(i)
contemporary – kortárs
aesthetic – esztétikus
to embrace – átölelni, magába foglalni