HÍREK ANGOLUL: Otthagyta az utasokat a vonat, hogy időben érkezzen a célállomásra

Olvasd el és hallgasd meg, hogy miért indul el korábban a vonat, otthagyva az utasokat az állomáson! 

Olvasd el és hallgasd meg, hogy miért indul el korábban a vonat, otthagyva az utasokat az állomáson! 

Italian train operator Trenitalia left many passengers behind when it had a train depart nearly an hour early to arrive on time.

Passengers of an Italian high-speed train were left stranded after it departed almost one hour early — so it could arrive on time, the train operator acknowledged.

Rome’s Termini station had been full of travellers anxious about the effect of a national transport strike which stopped local buses, trams and the subway.

Thankfully, Trenitalia’s high-speed “Silver Arrow” to Genoa, in northwest Italy, was operating, scheduled to leave at 4:20 pm.

But when it was time to board, dozens of passengers searched in vain for the train on the departure board — only to discover it had left at 3.30 pm.

The train had to take a slower route due to maintenance on the usual line, the railway operator explained. But to arrive on time, this meant leaving 50 minutes earlier.

A journalist from the La Stampa daily was one of the passengers who failed to received a message on their mobile phones alerting them to the timetable change.

The newspaper reported the train had left the station half empty.

Trenitalia insisted only a “small number” of passengers did not receive the alert.

Either way, “the statistics are in order — one fewer late train, one more train on time (if not an early one)”, La Stampa wrote.

A Trenitalia spokesperson told AFP that passengers who missed the train were able to take the next one, at 4:57 pm, or claim a refund.

Trenitalia said its medium and long-distance lines recorded average delays of around nine minutes in 2023. The figure was two minutes for regional trains and around seven for international connections.

source: Yahoo

Match the words and expressions with their synonyms.

1) to miss
2) to board
3) to alert
4) to claim
5) to depart

a) to warn
b) to leave
c) to get on
d) to be late for
e) to request

key:  1-d, 2-c, 3-a, 4-e, 5-b


to leave sb behind otthagyni valakit
to depart elindulni
on time pontosan időben
high-speed train gyorsvonat
to be left stranded ott ragadni valahol
scheduled menetrend szerint
to board felszállni
dozen tucat
in vain hiába
departure board indulásokat jelző tábla
slower route rövidebb útvonal
maintenance karbantartás
to fail to valami nem történik meg
to alert figyelmeztetni
timetable menetrend
to miss lekésni
to claim a refund visszakérni a jegy árát
average átlagos
delay késés
regional train belföldi vonat