Interjú a random járókelővel … aki igazából Henry Winkler, a hollywoodi legenda!

A dublini szállodai tűzről tudósító riporternek sikerült a hollywoodi legendát, Henry Winklert mikrofonvégre kapnia, miközben épp evakuálták a hotelből.

Henry Winkler was the unlikely man-on-the-street news crews found to discuss the blaze. Winkler is in Ireland to promote his memoir Being Henry: The Fonz… and Beyond, according to the broadcaster. He seemed remarkably stoic about the fact that his first day in the country involved being evacuated from a burning hotel, cheerily describing the incident as “an amazing adventure right here in Dublin.”

I, when I heard the fire alarm, I thought it was the clock radio.

I thought somebody had set the alarm before we got there, you know, like another guest.

And finally I went into another room and it was still buzzing.

So I called downstairs, and the woman said in a very calm voice, yes, we’re all evacuating. You must evacuate right now.

And I left.

I saw you thanking the Dublin Fire Brigade.

You know what?

How wonderful.

Firemen are some of my favorite human beings.

Firemen, fire women.

They run in when other people are running out.

I think their hands deserve to be shook.

We came last night.

Our plane was delayed in London for about three and a half hours.

This morning we got up and evacuated, and it was an amazing adventure right here in Dublin.

I cannot wait to see the rest of Dublin.

Answer the questions!

1) What was the initial thought when the fire alarm went off?
2) How did the person realize it wasn’t just a clock radio alarm?
3) Who did the person call after realizing it was an actual fire alarm?
4) What was the response from the woman on the phone regarding the evacuation?
5) Why does the speaker express gratitude towards firefighters?
6) What delayed the speaker’s plane in London?
7) How does the speaker feel about their unexpected adventure in Dublin?

1) The initial thought was that someone had set the alarm like another guest.
2) The person realized it wasn’t a clock radio alarm when they heard it buzzing in another room.
3) The person called downstairs to inquire about the situation and was told to evacuate immediately.
4) The woman on the phone calmly confirmed that everyone was evacuating and instructed the person to do the same.
5) The speaker expresses gratitude towards firefighters because they run into dangerous situations while others are running out.
6) The speaker’s plane was delayed in London for about three and a half hours.
7) The speaker views the unexpected evacuation as an amazing adventure in Dublin and looks forward to exploring more of the city.


fire alarmtűzjelző
to set the alarmbeállítani az ébresztő órát
to buzzberreg
calm voicenyugodt hang
human beingélőlény (emberi lény)
to deservemegérdemelni
to be delayedkésni (repülő)