... és a plusz combok miatt szeretnék tenyészteni is őket.
Farmer produces lambs with SIX LEGS to help boost profits and food yields
A British farmer has successfully produced the first six-legged lambs and he now hopes to breed them on a mass scale. Simon Bennett says that he hopes the birth of two healthy lambs called Cupcake and Sprinkles will help to significantly reduce the cost of meat for consumers. The fascinating development happened completely ‘by chance’ and has left scientists baffled.
The animals have been given a clean bill of health and are currently undergoing genetic monitoring ahead of a possible breeding programme.
Simon, from Riverside Organic in Whatcroft, Cheshire was lost for words when the animals arrived. He said: "We had no outside involvement from scientists, we were not trying to create these lambs, we’re an organic farm so their existence is purely down to Mother Nature. We have had a lot of interest from leading scientists and vets all around the world, not to mention the thousands of people who want to come and see the animals for themselves. Their six legs have made them fitter and leaner and we expect their meat to be extra succulent."
A spokesman for the British Livestock Society said: "We are currently working with several veterinarians, farmers and scientists to establish the feasibility of a breeding programme. These lambs are healthy and having carried out extensive tests, we are happy their offspring would be safe to enter Britain’s food chain. Although still speculative, we believe this could have a significant impact on the cost of meat if the breeding programme proves successful."
The Sheep Breeders’ Union added: "It’s an incredible development which has the potential to radically change meat production in the UK."
source: www.mirror.co.uk
to breed – tenyészteni
on a mass scale – tömegesen
to reduce – csökkenteni
by chance – véletlenül
to be baffled – zavarba hozza valami
to be given a clean bill of health – teljesen egészségesnek nyilvánítják
to be lost for words – nem jut szóhoz meglepetésében
outside involvement – külső beavatkozás
organic farm – biofarm
not to mention – nem is beszélve arról, nem is szólva arról …
succulent – zamatos
currently – jelenleg
feasibility – megvalósíthatóság
offspring – utód
food chain – tápláléklánc
impact on – hatás valamire
union – (itt) szakszervezet
incredible – hihetetlen
Match the synonyms.
1. incredible |
a) descendant |
2. currently |
b) unbelievable |
3. to reduce |
c) influence |
4. offspring |
d) presently |
5. impact |
e) to decrease |
answers: 1-b 2-d 3-e 4-a 5-c