Egypetéjű hármasikrek születtek Kaliforniában, ráadásul természetes úton fogantak. Szerinted mi ennek az esélye?
Rare set of identical triplets born in Northern California
It’s three times the joy – and at one in a million odds. A couple in Northern California gave birth to a rare set of naturally conceived identical triplets, doctors at Sutter Memorial Hospital said. Abby, Brin and Laurel Hepner were born at the hospital November 22 to proud parents Hannah and Tom Hepner of Quincy, California.
The odds of conceiving identical triplets without fertility drugs are anywhere from 1-in-1-million to 1-in-100-million, said Dr. William Gilbert, director of Sutter Women’s Services – though it’s hard to estimate because of the rarity of the occurrence.
Hepner said that wife Hannah, 29, is “quite a remarkable woman. She cruised through the experience. Hats off to her.” Hannah Hepner said the remarkable rarity of her daughters’ birth “loses its relevance when you are holding them. It did happen and they are here. We understand that they are going to be individuals,” she added “We look forward to finding out who those individuals are and helping them along the way.”
Identical triplets are produced when a single fertilized egg splits into three. At birth, Abby weighed 1.4 kg; Brin 1.7; and Laurel 1.8 kg. The girls are still in the hospital until all three gain weight and can maintain body temperature and eat properly.
source :
odds – esély
naturally conceived – természetes úton fogant
identical triplets – egypetéjű hármasikrek
fertility drugs – termékenységi gyógyszer
to estimate – becsülni
rarity – ritkaság
occurrence – előfordulás
remarkable – figyelemre méltó
to cruise through – áthajókázni, könnyen venni akadályt
hats off to someone – le a kalappal valaki előtt
individual – egyén
fertilized egg – megtermékenyült petesejt
to split – hasadni, szétválni
to maintain – fenntartani
Fill in the gaps. There is one extra word.
individual |
remarkable |
to estimate |
triplets |
to maintain |
to split |
1. It is a big surprise when ……………….. are born in a family.
2. There are too many children in this classroom. We need to ……………….. them into groups.
3. Nelson Mandela was a ……………….. politician.
4. It is ……………….. that the population of the world will continue to grow.
5. We need to ……………….. the good exam results.
answers: 1-triplets 2-split 3-remarkable 4-estimated 5-maintain