Guy Goma: ‘Greatest’ case of mistaken identity on live TV ever?


Pár napja volt 10 éve, hogy a BBC véletlenül élő adásban készített interjút Guy Goma-val, aki egészen már okból kifolyólag érkezett a BBC épületébe.

Guy Goma is a business studies graduate from Brazzaville in the Republic of the Congo who was accidentally interviewed live on BBC News 24, a UK television news station, on Monday 8 May 2006. Goma was mistaken for technology expert Guy Kewney, and was brought onto a BBC special regarding the case Apple Corps v. Apple Computer to provide insight on a subject he knew little about.

Guy Goma was waiting in the main reception area of the BBC Television Centre in west London to be interviewed for a position as a “Data Support Cleanser” in the corporation’s IT department. At the same time, Guy Kewney, a British technology expert, was in another reception area, known as Stage Door, preparing for a live television interview on the subject of Apple Computer’s court case with The Beatles’ record label, Apple Corps. The producer who was sent to fetch Kewney, however, was told that Kewney was in the main reception area. When he got there and asked the receptionist in person where Guy Kewney was, she pointed to Goma, even after being asked if she was sure that this was the right person.

The producer had seen a photo of Kewney, but only had five minutes before the live interview was due to take place. So he approached Goma and asked him if he was ‘Guy’. Hearing his first name, Goma answered in the affirmative. Goma was led to the News 24 studio. BBC staffers put on makeup, and he was ushered to the television studio, where he was seated in front of the cameras and wired up with a microphone. Although believing the situation to be highly unusual, he prepared to do his best for what he believed would be his job interview.

When introduced by interviewer Karen Bowerman as Internet expert Guy Kewney, Goma became visibly shocked as he finally realised the serious misunderstanding that had taken place. Aware of the fact that he was on live television and not wishing to make a scene now that the interview had already begun, he simply played along, doing his best (in heavily French-accented English) to answer the interviewer’s questions about the Apple Corps v. Apple Computer case and its ramifications for the music industry. Apart from the facial expression at the start, the interview seemed fairly believable to many viewers, particularly those unfamiliar with Kewney. In the meantime, Kewney, still in the waiting area, was himself shocked when he saw Goma interviewed in his place, though he was not able to hear the audio.

Transcript of the interview

Karen Bowerman: Well, Guy Kewney is editor of the technology website Newswireless. [Camera flashes to Goma, with look of confusion and horror] Hello, good morning to you.

Goma: Good morning.

KB: Were you surprised by this verdict today?

Goma: I am very surprised to see…this verdict to come on me, because I was not expecting that. When I came, they told me something else and I am coming. “You got an interview,” that’s all. So a big surprise anyway.

KB: A big surprise, yeah, yes.

Goma: Exactly.

KB: With regards to the cost that’s involved, do you think now more people will be downloading online?

Goma: Actually, if you can go everywhere you’re gonna see a lot of people downloading through Internet and the website, everything they want. But I think it is much better for the development and…eh…to inform people what they want, and to get on the easy way, and so faster if they are looking for.

KB: This does really seem to be the way the music industry’s progressing now, that people want to go onto the website and download music.

Goma: Exactly. You can go everywhere on the cyber cafe, and you can take…you can go easy. It is going to be an easy way for everyone to get something through the Internet.

KB: Guy Kewney, thanks very much indeed.

Twenty minutes after the television interview, Goma attended his job interview, which lasted ten minutes. He was not hired.

As soon as the mistake was detected the BBC recorded an interview with Kewney for later broadcast, which was never shown. The BBC instead brought in an alternative pundit, Rupert Goodwins, for the next live slot on the topic.

source: Wikipedia

A cikk szókincse a televíziózás, a tévéstúdiók világába vitt el bennünket. Le tudod fordítani magyarra az ehhez kapcsolódó szavakat, kifejezéseket?

1. live TV

2. to be interviewed

3. television news station

4. special

5. reception area

6. producer

7. makeup

8.  to wire up with a microphone

9.  interviewer 

10. viewer

11. audio

12. to record

13. broadcast


1. élő adás

2. interjút készíteni valakivel, meginterjúvolni

3. hírtévé, hírcsatorna

4. különkiadás

5. fogadó rész

6. gyártásvezető

7. smink

8. felmikrofonozni, mikrofonnal felszerelni

9. riporter

10. néző

11. hang, hangfelvétel

12. felvenni, rögzíteni

13. adás


mistaken identity




to provide insight

betekintést nyújtani

record label


to fetch

elmenni érte és behozni

to approach

odamenni valakihez

to answer in the affirmative

igenlően válaszolni

to usher




to be aware of sg

tudatában lenni valaminek

live television

élő adás

to make a scene

jelenetet rendezni


következmény, kihatás

facial expression





döbbenet, zavar


végzés, döntés

to hire sy

alkalmazni/felvenni valakit munkára

to detect



szakértő (akit rendszeresen kérdeznek egy adott területtel kapcsolatban)

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