Félelmetes "szellemes" felvétel kering az interneten egy dél-amerikai focimeccsen megjelent kísértetről.
Football spectators spooked by ‘ghost’ which appears to run through fans during match in Bolivia
Football spectators have been spooked by a ghostly figure that appears to run through fans during a match in Bolivia. The unexplained shadow glides quickly through the stands during a game in Hernando Siles Stadium in La Paz, Bolivia, on Thursday night. It even appears to run straight through a barrier at speed.
The video, shot during a television broadcast of the match, has gone viral with internet sleuths sharing their theories on the apparition. This is not the first time an unexplained apparition has been spotted at a South American stadium.
Some Venezuelans believe the ‘ghost’ of their deceased President Hugo Chaves was responsible for saving an otherwise certain goal during an international match against Colombia. A figure can be seen tapping the ball over the goal post.
source: www.dailymail.co.uk
spectator – néző (sporteseményen)
to be spooked – megijedni valamitől
spook – szellem
to glide – siklani, suhanni
stand – lelátó
barrier – korlát
to go viral – vírusként terjed
sleuth – kopó (nyomozó)
theory – elmélet
to spot – észrevenni, kiszúrni
deceased – elhunyt
to save a goal – gólt kivédeni
goal post – kapufa
Match the words with the definitions.
1. to save a goal |
a) the seating area in a stadium |
2. to spot |
b) ghost |
3. spook |
c) people who watch a sports event |
4. stand |
d) to stop the ball from entering the goal |
5. spectators |
e) to notice something |
answers: 1-d 2-e 3-b 4-a 5-c