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German zookeeper seriously injured by camel bite – Olvasott/Hallott szöveg értése B1/B2
Olvasd el/Hallgasd meg a szöveget és válaszolj a kérdésekre!
A worker was cleaning out an enclosure and feeding animals when he was attacked at Perleberg Zoo. The zookeeper is in hospital with serious injuries after being bitten by a camel in northern Germany.
The 54-year-old man was cleaning out the camel enclosure and feeding the animals at the Zoo when one turned suddenly and bit him in the face, police said.
The worker, who has not been named, was taken to a local hospital for treatment after sustaining serious injuries.
The zoo, located between Berlin and Hamburg, is currently closed under German coronavirus lockdown restrictions.
Human injuries caused by camel bites are rare, but such attacks can inflict severe and often fatal wounds. Male camels are known to be more aggressive during rutting season.
source: Independent
Fill the gaps with word given. There is one extra!
enclosure, treatment, bite, injury, wound, restriction
- She spent three weeks in hospital for ………. .
- He suffered a knee …….. while playing tennis.
- The ………. of these snakes are quite dangerous.
- The old ……… became too small for their animals.
- The new ……… will be introduced next week.
Key: 1. treatment, 2. injury, 3. bite, 4. enclosure, 5. restriction;
enclosure | kifutó |
to feed | etetni |
to attack | megtámadni |
serious | súlyos |
injury | sérülés |
to bite, bit, bitten | megharapni |
local | helyi |
treatment | kezelés |
to sustain | elszenvedni |
currently | jelenleg |
lockdown | karantén |
restriction | korlátozás |
bite | harapás |
rare | ritka |
to inflict | okozni |
severe | súlyos |
fatal | halálos |
wound | sebesülés |
male | hím |
rutting season | párzási időszak |